Karaoke is a charming old Earth pastime in which music which normally has lyrics is played without them and supplying vocals is left as an exercise to the participant. Ivan was coaxed into going by a local handing out drink vouchers for the bar which offers the activity, and there he got slightly tipsy, sang the only three Barrayaran songs in the entire catalogue, made out with a somewhat drunker girl, got her number, and stumbled home while some Earthling was stumbling through interminable verses of some song. It has not been a bad evening.
And at the car, Veli wants them both searched for weapons. Although he says 'lord' while he insists on it.
Aaron shrugs and produces one stunner and is very agreeable about being inspected for further weapons, of which the ensuing inspection does not discover any.
Mark continues to be totally unresponsive to the outside world and also does not have any weapons concealed about his person.
To the embassy they go. Ivan's in back with the twinplets.
"They'll probably put you in the room by mine. 've got a monstrously awkward letter to write Aunt Cordelia and Uncle Aral. I believe I'll make them break the news to Miles."
"An hour or two all told, I bet. May be longer what with being searched and all."
And indeed Mark and Aaron get the room next to Ivan's, and are told where the food is, and Ivan goes to write his awkward letter.
Aaron deposits Mark in their room. Aaron retrieves food. Aaron figures out where to retrieve clothes from and gets some of those too. Aaron remains in their room.
"Yes," says an Aaronlike although differently-intoned voice from the parts of the room not visible from the door.