One of the armchairs is occupied by a lich clad in a simple black robes. You could call the robes a bit stereotypical, but saying such things to liches tends to decrease one's quality-adjusted life expectancy.
Evanith has a book layed out on a desk in front of the armchair, and is remaining perfectly still: nary a ripple crosses the robes. Suddenly a bony finger shoots out to gently turn the page, after which the perfect stillness resumes.
Coming to a decent breaking-point, Evanith closes the book and looks towards the new visitor. The total stillness breaks. Evanith's motions become fluid, if not graceful, as the lich deliberately performs the tiny movements that the living do without thinking: it tends to put people at ease, at least compared to the perfect economy of movement that is natural for most skeletal undead. Decades of practice have allowed Evanith to appear indistinguishable from a living person -- or they would, if not for the lack of skin.
"Good day, Miss Thackeray." Evanith's tone of voice is cordially polite, but little is discernible beyond that: the accent isn't quite from here but it's not obviously from elsewhere either, the pronunciation is precise but not pedantic, and the pitch lies right in the middle of the human vocal range. "Is this a guest here, or a prospective member?"