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yes!!! many hugs

since apparently we are not-quite-dating


I couldn't think how else to describe it and it seemed like a dick move to not say anything


I assume there's some reason you don't want to be regular dating


yes but unfortunately it is secret 


fortunately I like mysterious men


I'm glad! 💛 


you should come hang out with the avengers, not quite boyfriend


I should! 

technically I'm free every afternoon but I try to keep scheduled things on weekends


weekends. I can do this. avengers movie night

we can watch saving private ryan to annoy marlo


oh cmon I want to make a good first impression 

I'm laughing tbc 


so velvet goldmine is also a 'no' then

Permalink I had to look up velvet goldmine and 

you are absolutely not wrong but also I want to watch this movie with you at some point 


we can watch it after avengers movie night!


we can! 

what day/time should I be there 

...also it occurs to me that I had been assuming that this would be at stark tower and that might not in fact be the case, where should I be 


things are usually at stark tower, I have a lot of space

Saturday at 6? assuming dr. squidward tentacles doesn't have any more surprises for us


👌 can do 


Lev and Sasha continue to make out and talk in the afternoons. Lev makes various mostly failed attempts to get them to actually do homework. 

He bounces a lot. 


Asher gives an interview where someone asks about Spiderman and he talks for ten minutes about how Spiderman is a great person who saved the city a bunch of times and is definitely not a menace and also has excellent taste in music. 


Six people ask what he's smiling about over the course of the week; he's sparkly all day the day after Asher's interview, channels that energy into kissing Lev with extra enthusiasm. He has some actual home-grown opinions about the book they're reading. 

He swings to movie night in the suit, changes into regular clothes but keeps the mask. 


(Having a boyfriend with a not-boyfriend is pretty great if it leads to him getting this enthusiastically made out with!)


Asher's security waves him up despite the fact that he's wearing a hoodie and a Spiderman mask. 

Asher is wearing a tank top. There's a hole cut in the center of it for his arc reactor; it shines blue. "Hey, Ungoliant. Marlo's here early because of course he is."


One, he was kind of expecting to have to go through a window, so the security waving him up is already surprising. 

Two, it's not that he wasn't aware that he's gay, or that Asher could definitely pick him up and throw him across a room, but Asher's arms certainly do remind him of the fact. 

...At least through the mask Asher can't tell he's staring. "Of course." He follows Asher to the room in which they will be watching whatever movie this is. 


"Hello! I don't think we got a chance to  properly meet, I'm Marlo." He doesn't stand up, but he does angle his body towards Spiderman. 


Sasha staring was in fact the intended effect!

"Capsicle, meet everyone's favorite menace to society. Menace to society, meet capsicle."


"I'm not sure I'd say I'm everyone's favorite menace to society. Do you actually want to be called Captain?" 

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