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Ade moves to Beacon Hills
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"...ah. Makes sense."


"Do you have any idea who did it? A whole family is pretty big. You don't think a teenage girl did this, right?" 


"Even if no one else was involved, Kate was."


He sighs. Well, that's more information, at least. "Do you think Kate had a reason other than 'all wolves are bad and should be killed' racism?"


"She killed my family. This is just finishing the job." 


"Ugh. How did the police not get her, is she just really good at covering her tracks, is the police in her pocket—Stiles, is the police in their pocket?"


"I'm pretty sure it was a hard case, it's kind of the only unsolved one we had since my dad became Sheriff." 


"She's good at covering her tracks. She probably didn't even start the fire herself, directly, in case fingerprints ever came up. She had friends." 


"Okay, and how do you know it was her?"


"Weren't you leaving? Since you're trespassing and graverobbing." 


"Not graverobbing, didn't rob anything. And no, I wasn't leaving, I was collecting information."


"Technically, we're not trespassing. We're on public land, not your property. That's the problem with a house at the edge of a nature preserve." 


"I've really been trying to be polite here, but if you two want to bother me, I might have to bother you back." 


"Don't want to bother you, want to not have figure out everything you have already figured out and not step on your toes, conditional on still, you know, looking into it. I get why werewolves are a secret, but this means we can't get actual professionals who know what they're doing in it, so we make do."


"Make a list of questions. Ask me tomorrow."


"—okay. We should go, then, Stiles."


"Alright. Nice seeing you, Derek." 

Stiles returns to his Jeep. Nice jeep, good jeep. You're never rude. 


"I'm sorry," he says, meaning it, before going to the jeep, too.

"This is a big part of why gravedigging is a terrible idea," he sighs after settling down in the jeep.


"We still got something, right? He wouldn't have told us anything if we hadn't walked straight into it."


"This produces terrible incentives and we should figure out a way to communicate with him properly and clearly without having to write questions in advance or leave a flower at a random spot in the woods..."


"Okay, so let's make sure the questions are super carefully worded so he can't get offended or angry or sad or whatever else makes him kick us out next time." 


"I'd actually rather find a way to have him be straightforward and forthcoming when we talk rather than us having to grope for answers and dig his sister's grave."


"Okay. I'll have Scott to talk to him, that's what he wants anyway." 


"...this could go very wrong, but I don't see how to obviously and unambiguously improve on it."


"It's going to be fine. We're going to drive away, and he's going to get what he wants, and with his new and improved mood, he'll want to talk to us."

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