He lights the fire and starts cooking a bunch of fish above it!
Mahan could wander around talking to the people seem to be trading, they have goods laid out and so on. The major product of the village he came with is woven things. The major product of the other village is salt - blocky salt, brown salt, white salt, salted foods.
Lots of ancillary services from both villages have come along, though. There is someone who sketches on peoples' skin for a rupee or two each, someone is offering haircuts and hair-braiding, the elixir guy is here trying to peddle some elixirs, someone is selling medical advice, someone is looking at people's hands and pronouncing things about their future (they take it seriously, might be magic?), lots of people selling containers of cooking ingredients, someone is offering tool-engraving, someone is doing fishbone carvings, a woman is selling massages, someone is selling gemstones and gemstone-based jewelry, someone is mending clothes for a few rupees each, some people are selling clothes, a man is trying to sell foul-smelling paint by brushing splotches of bright color on a piece of driftwood, people are gambling on games or sports and playing them without money changing hands too.