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Taliar in Evil Arda
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They all start correcting the latter; no one is bothered about the former. Maitimo hugs his father.


Taliar is starting to feel actually tired. Perhaps because he's been awake for three or four days straight. But someone might need him for something, so he leaves his body sitting on the floor inside the palace and goes back to working on the road across the Helcaraxe.


And after a while he has him carried off to bed.


He doesn't actually notice.


Yeah. Sigh. He can sing him to sleep, if the soul lets him, there's a magic song for sleep.


Hard silver light - Taliar notices his soul thwarting mind control and wraps up what he's doing with the road - I'm still reachable by osanwe like this, I suppose I might not have made that clear - and he's back in his body and yawning and giving Maitimo a hug. Love you.


Wanted to sing you to sleep.


You can do that if you still want to.


And Taliar curls up cozily and goes to sleep.

His healing aura fades away gradually as he does.


And he - curls up in the corner, actually, and takes a long time to - 


- he was dead - 

- Taliar brought him back -

- he wants a soul artifact and he is terrified of having a soul artifact and he won the war as soon as he was willing to stop raping Taliar and it wasn't meant to - be like that, whatever it had been meant to be, he didn't mean to damage people, he picked people who were hard to damage so it didn't really -


- he shudders. He watches Taliar. He goes back downstairs to reacclimate the dead.


Taliar sleeps for sixteen hours.

When he wakes up, the first thing he notices is the golden glorious feeling of his love for Maitimo filling his soul with light, and he stretches out and basks in it for a while. It's so good. He's so happy. He loves his brilliant beautiful boyfriend so much.


He comes upstairs.


Taliar gazes adoringly at him as he enters the room.


Missed you - less to do than I feared -


How long was I asleep?


Sixteen hours. The country's all holding together and so forth. I found places for the formerly-dead to sleep. My father wants to interrogate you about soul artifacts.


Sure, I can talk about soul artifacts with your father.

But first, hugs.



Thank you for bringing me back.


'You're welcome' seems so profoundly inadequate a response—

I love you and I missed you and I needed you and I want you to be alive and safe and happy, always. I couldn't possibly have left you like that.


I believe you. I don't know if anything else could have made me believe you, but I do now.



Love you forever. Undeterrably, irrevocably, with all my heart and soul.


Are you okay?


Yeah, I think so. You?


Mostly. There are things I need to fix, now that the war's over.

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