Morty wasn't even trying to do anything this time. He was just fucking around with some cardboard, and okay, maybe it turned into an eldritch sigil of some kind, and then it blew up in his face, and now there's people in his room.
Herod snorts. "Thanks, we are not used to this world and it's... things. We only are up this early because we went to bed pretty early too."
"Uh? I didn't assume you're gay because you're in Poe. I forgot about that. Heterosexuality just confuses me."
Herod notes the rules of etiquette, but does not immediately puts a towel on. It didn't sound urgent and he is busy getting this shave right.
They do put on towels before leaving. The plan is to stay in their bedroom - while copying slash memorizing slash categorizing their spellbook - until it's a reasonable hour.
In that case they will put on their fancy new clothes (even Herod likes the prospect, Gav only teases him a little about it). And then they will leave their room. Is everyone just going straight to get breakfast?
Anyone that looks sufficiently approachable, so they can introduce themselves?
"Yes, thank you. And we are still getting used to things, yeah. ...Ariel described our world as medieval."
The demons follow. "Thanks for letting us know. We haven't run into too much trouble yet. Mostly because this place is like some bizarre non-magical magical paradise. Honestly, I kinda want to thank Morty for bringing us here, but he is straight."