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She can turn them into bars. Not a large amount of bars, but bars all the same. Something can likely be done with these bars once made.


She converts as much ore as possible into bars.


She now has three copper bars and four iron bars! This doesn't seem like a lot.

It really doesn't. She goes back outside.

"You. Guide. If I leave you out here by yourself are you going to get eaten by a slime or something?"

"Hello! My name is Dylan. In order for a room to be considered a home, it needs to have a door, chair, table, and a light source," says... Dylan. "Make sure the house has walls as well."


"Thank you," she says, rolling her eyes. "If it wasn't for you I definitely would've forgotten the blighted walls. Does that mean you want a house?"


"There are many different ways you can attract people to move in to our town. They will of course need a home to live in."

"I object to both the 'our' and the 'town' in 'our town'," says Sable. "On the other hand, if more people show up maybe one of them will have a soul. Fine. I'll make your blighted house."

She starts clearing trees again. Aggressively.
Dylan has nothing else to add. He smiles vacantly, again, and wanders around some more.

The trees don't know what hit them. Well. Okay, that's not true, they are completely aware that it's an axe. But they are powerless to stop the tree-based assault.
When she has enough wood and enough free space - and a bunch more gel, from slimes that interrupted her while she was working - she makes another, smaller cottage next to hers. It has a door, a chair, a table, and a light source. And walls and a roof.

"Is that a house?" she demands of Dylan, pointing at it.
Dylan... Looks at the house.

He purposefully walks to it, opens the door, finds the chair, and sits.
Sable shuts the door on him. There. Now he won't be eaten by monsters, probably.

She builds an identical tiny house beside his, sharing one wall. If someone with a soul shows up she'll expand it to put in a bed. Although...

She opens Dylan's door. "How do I make a bed?"

"In order to make a bed, bring fifteen wood and five silk to a sawmill. Other types of beds can be made at other crafting stations with different materials," he informs. He's still in his chair. He hasn't gotten up. It's entirely possible he is going to sit there for the rest of eternity.


"How do I make a sawmill, then?"


"A sawmill is made at a workbench, with ten wood, two iron bars, and a chain."


"How do I make a chain?"


"A chain is made with one iron bar at an iron anvil," he informs. No instructions on how to make an iron anvil. Of course.


"I bet you make an iron anvil out of iron," says Sable.


"You will need an anvil to make most things out of metal bars. Anvils can be crafted out of iron, or purchased from a merchant."


"Are merchants horrible mindless person-things like you?"

"If you want a merchant to move in, you will need to gather plenty of money. 50 silver coins should do the trick!"

He doesn't seem to take offense to being called a horrible mindless person-thing.

"How do I get fifty silver coins?"


"If you see a pot, be sure to smash it open. They contain all sorts of useful supplies."


She exits Dylan's dismal little room and shuts the door behind her and extends her groundsense to see if there are any pots nearby.

There's a cave, thataway! It has pots in it.

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