That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
"Alright, then, now shoo." Sadde prettier? He's definitely looking pretty dashing under this light.
(Ow, light.)
Theo gets out his phone and rings Sadde, first. Then shoos when Sadde picks up.
Stupid light.
And Theo goes over to the deer, says, "Ok," into the phone, and then chomps down.
Deer are in fact slow. And unless the deer is much tastier than he expected, he will pull off in about five seconds to say, "Nom," and then continue.
"Hello, this is your daily reminder that your regular food is people. I hope you did not go off to eat people."
He pulls off the deer again to say, "Still a deer," and then goes back to biting.
It's not hard to hold the deer in place.
Poor deer.
He will keep drinking and stopping to reassure Sadde and so on until he's really sure he's not hungry, because he'd rather not find that it suddenly goes down. And then he will drop the deer where it is and wipe his mouth and hope he hasn't got anything over his clothes and go back to Sadde.
"I feel just wonderful and it's fucking awful, because apparently the stupid blood continues to do whatever-the-fuck to me."
"High. I feel slightly high. The lickability of things has increased. This is not a good thing."
His senses are pretty dwindled by then, and will take a bit to recover.
"So blood gets you high, does it."
That's fine. Dwindled senses means less ability to taste the flavors on the wall and therefore he will not want to do that.
"Ughyes," he responds, "and I don't think I like it."
"Yeah, should do," he turns to go look for some. "Anything in particular you want or is this a test to see if I can eat it or?"