That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
"I'm sorry!" says Theo. "I don't know what you seem but you seem somehow distinct from before and from the surroundings! In some way! It might just be because I'm a vampire, I don't know!"
… He looks kinda distraught.
...he pulls away gently. "Okay, so, the sun ducks with your senses but we didn't cut you to see about healing because you" decided food wasn't people when it was in fact people "smelled someone. And it also seems to make biteyness stronger but also makes me, in particular, seem more person-y. And this is apparently uncomfortable to you?"
Theo moves backwards slightly at the end of the hug.
"You being person-y? It's not really– uncomfortable so much as just very, uh, weird? So it's sort of uncomfortable only because it feels weird."
"Okay, so presumably you'll get used to it. And we might need to introduce you to lots of people so you don't feel like biting them."
"Yeah. In a safe, controlled environment where I'm hopefully weak and yet not in the mood for biting, if that's possible. Which. Probably not."
"Yeah, this is an annoyingly resilient brand of vampire with an annoying set of drawbacks, I dislike it."
"I think I am perhaps slightly happier with it existing because it might have immortality or something and that would save a lot of lives but– yeah, no. It's not nice."
"If the price of immortality is constant temptation and slipping into serial murder at the barest whiff of wind..."
"… Then I can go live on an island?"
He seems like he doesn't really want to contradict Sadde here.
"Which would be a darn shame when this is literally the first bit of magic I've found other than my own."
"Well since you don't seem too chewable when I feel hungry, you could always move to the island with me, and if it happens to be a property of your shapeshifting interacting with vampire bloodlust, maybe it'd be okay with other vampires there too, and I could get shipments of blood if I actually need it to survive and don't just have a weird craving for it."
"We've only known each other for a few weeks, you should at least take me out to dinner before suggesting we live together, don't you think?"
"That doesn't actually address the complaint! Also I shouldn't be flirting with you, I should be gauging your capabilities and figuring out weaknesses! And I'm kinda dry on weaknesses right now and we need experimental subjects."
"I– huh? If you mean experimental subject to showcase vampire things, I'm available, but if you mean experimental subjects to see if I want to chew them, apparently I do if being out in the sun suggests anything."
"I mean someone else to talk to you for a while and see if you still want to chew on them."