That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
"I mean, it's probably not going to take me very long to check?" he says. "Unless you mean the chance that I might eat someone, because yeah, I'd rather avoid that but it's probably gonna be worse if I wait."
"Well, it didn't kill me when I was running from the desert to here but I guess that was just about dawn, so maybe higher sun would kill me, but… there should be trees to hide under if that's the case? And I can take my phone and hide under a jacket or something."
"Okay, and you can call me if you need. Or I could go with you? But you're presumably much faster."
"Okay," he says. "Well, I will try not to scratch you or whatever – I dunno what else this has done to me – but how would you like to be carried? Piggyback?" He laughs a bit. "Bridal?"
… Theo sorta hopes he imagined that, and then he goes out the backdoor and asks, "How do you feel about jumping?"
"Okay," he says, and so he hops over the fence at the end of his garden and lands quite smoothly, then runs across the grass, sidewalk, and road, and goes through a small alleyway and then they're out at the edge of town and into the forest.
And then Theo stops and puts Sadde down! "I'm gonna go looking for a squirrel now," he says. "Be back in a minute?"
Theo… continues to smile, though it's a bit altered and then he turns away and runs to go catch a squirrel.
… But that's not too bad so he's going to go back to Sadde and relay the results and then eat it.