That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
"That doesn't actually address the complaint! Also I shouldn't be flirting with you, I should be gauging your capabilities and figuring out weaknesses! And I'm kinda dry on weaknesses right now and we need experimental subjects."
"I– huh? If you mean experimental subject to showcase vampire things, I'm available, but if you mean experimental subjects to see if I want to chew them, apparently I do if being out in the sun suggests anything."
"Right, okay." Pause. "Any ideas for who or should I just pick from people I know and possibly conscribe them to their deaths if they decide to do it?"
"...well, they should be, like, maybe separated by a wall or something? And, I dunno, how did you not eat me? You did manage not to eat me for long enough to fall in magic vampire love with me."
Faint disgusted look. "I don't know!" he says. "I just made sure very strongly not to bite you and remember you were a person and then I didn't end up biting you but apparently I'm not certainly great at remembering people are people, see: when I was out in the sun."
"Well yes sure so I can just remind you a lot that people are people and you can remind yourself and we can walk whoever through it and see if they get very person-y to you, too."
"And then hopefully I don't forget for long enough and decide to be bitey enough that I attack them without you having time to remind me, and I don't think that scenario is that likely, and I don't think I would necessarily kill them, but it would still be bad."
"Yeah but then we'd know and it's better that we find it out under controlled circumstances. But maybe we should figure out how to restrain you first."
"… We could try tying me to something but I expect I would just break whatever I'm attached to or the rope or whatever."
"I've been assuming as much, if your superstrength wasn't threatening like that we wouldn't really need to care."
"I don't know." Shrug. "I– I mean, I think I would stop if you told me to while I was doing it and reminded me they were a person – it's not like I totally lose any thought, I just– don't remember they're a person."
"Right, and you did in fact remember while you were outside in the sun and consequently apparently bitey-er."
"Yeah, it's understandable, but—information. If this is a way to render you safe around people we do need to figure it out."
"Yeah," he nods. "So, do I pick someone I know and– what, explain that I'm a vampire and hope they decide to meet me anyway, or do you just invite them somewhere, or what, because I'm not sure this how to get this to work great."
"Well, if you call someone they'll probably freak out that you're alive. Like, um, I did. And also they're probably at school right now."
"Problem is inviting them somewhere means moving you from here to wherever and we want to avoid that if possible."
"I mean, yeah, but I could probably do it, and I don't know how inclined people would be to come here with you suggesting it?"