That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
"I've been assuming as much, if your superstrength wasn't threatening like that we wouldn't really need to care."
"I don't know." Shrug. "I– I mean, I think I would stop if you told me to while I was doing it and reminded me they were a person – it's not like I totally lose any thought, I just– don't remember they're a person."
"Right, and you did in fact remember while you were outside in the sun and consequently apparently bitey-er."
"Yeah, it's understandable, but—information. If this is a way to render you safe around people we do need to figure it out."
"Yeah," he nods. "So, do I pick someone I know and– what, explain that I'm a vampire and hope they decide to meet me anyway, or do you just invite them somewhere, or what, because I'm not sure this how to get this to work great."
"Well, if you call someone they'll probably freak out that you're alive. Like, um, I did. And also they're probably at school right now."
"Problem is inviting them somewhere means moving you from here to wherever and we want to avoid that if possible."
"I mean, yeah, but I could probably do it, and I don't know how inclined people would be to come here with you suggesting it?"
"I want this not to have happened but that's not a feasible thing to arrange, and I want to not kill any more people, and I want to find out that this only happens for the first week or something and then I'm fine, and I want to rollback to before everyone found out I was dead, and I want to make it known that I am in fact not dead, and I want to get cool supernatural powers that don't make me want to kill everyone I meet."
"Okay sure but almost none of that is possible and some of those are probably inadvisable given constraints."
"Okay, so next best I would like to find out if I can fix people to be people like you in my head and it's not just a weird shapeshifter-vampire thing or a first-person-a-vampire-talks-to-properly thing or something, but this has associated risks and drawbacks but it's important that it be found out and I can probably cope but it's just slightly horrific to think I might attack someone else so okay that can be next and then– I think I would be okay to be moved, I'm okay if I hold my breath and try not to focus on the fact there is food nearby and if I focus on them being people that works but if that is an unacceptable risk to take me elsewhere then, uh, I guess I can call someone and hope they react in a non-totally-terrible way."
"The problem with going elsewhere is that there will be more than one person, and the problem with holding your breath is that it's pretty hard to hold a conversation without air, and eventually you'll need to breathe again anyway."
"Maybe I should see if I can learn sign language," he grumbles. "I can, at worst, use my phone for– never mind, don't have my phone on me– never mind that never mind, I probably have a spare one – but anyway, I could, at worst, use some sort of electrical device with a keyboard and a notepad to communicate. Not wonderful. Going elsewhere, I meant somewhere like your house, but I guess I have no idea if anyone would be home, and besides we don't really need to do this right now because again, yes, people are currently in school." He sighs. "I'm sorry, again – I just really don't know."
"Well. My mom's at work, I'm supposed to be at school for a few more hours, and we don't want to invite random strangers into your house... We could test what you can do."
"The inviting random strangers in, is that solely because– actually never mind again. Yes, could see what I can do – um, ideas for things to test?"
"It's because it'd be hard to do and control. Anyway, we should test your senses, memory, speed, strength, agility?, whatever else."
"Yeah. I'm not sure of good tests for the senses if we're testing range since that would require things outside the house, unless we see how far you can go before I stop hearing you or something. Not sure how to test speed or strength in my small yard without damaging something and I'm not sure going out in the yard is a great idea. Memory, um, it seems to be pretty good, specifics not yet known but could be difficult to test."
"...okay you not being capable of going outside is gonna be a pain, we should work on that, except we can't, couldn't you have come back from the dead last afternoon or something?"
"I know. Well, even thus constrained we can still come up with some tests. Memory ones are easiest."