That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
"Holy water and other holy symbols, various herbs, we should see whether you're unable to enter houses owned by humans, garlic..."
"Yeah, okay," he says. "I think I have garlic and we could try doing a makeshift cross for a quick positive test."
So he looks around in the fridge and manages to find some garlic.
"Apparently doesn't hurt to touch or be near," he says. "Not sure about eating but then I haven't eaten any human food yet, so," he shrugs.
"Eating raw garlic? Um. Okay, I guess, should probably clean my teeth at some point anyway."
Does it taste particularly nice? Like he might possibly want to try living off human food because he's some kind of non-fictional vampire that can do that instead of eating people or animals, yay?
"Saw myself in the mirror earlier," he says. "Can check if you see me too, in case that's different, and I haven't tested pictures yet."
"Well, if the mirror works I don't see why pictures wouldn't, but we ought to test it later anyway. Uh, what else are vampires weak to?"
"Holy water, but that's a religious thing. Running water, maybe, that's an undead thing. Wood in general – could see if that causes me not to heal as quickly or something. Sunlight but we've determined I don't seem to burn up in that… Um, sometimes plants like vervain?"
"Have you taken a shower yet? Wood's a good idea, but I don't know how to get vervain or other herbs like that... Maybe we should bring you to the grocery store and see if anything makes you flee with dread."
"I have taken a shower, yes," he says. "I was covered in sand when I woke up out in the desert because that's where I slept last night. But I mean, running water as in a stream, because I don't know how showers are supposed to interact with the undead. So far it doesn't seem to have done anything."
"Yeah. I ran around licking things after I got out of the hospital, I bit five people and need to be really sure I don't do that again, and I then went into the forest and hugged some sand and hallucinated it talking to me."
"Aww come on, tell me! ...wait it just occurred to me, were you naked all that time."