That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
So he says bye to his mom and that he'll probably call her back later and she says bye and then she's gone. "Am I still on house arrest or do we think I'd be safe to go somewhere and test if the vampire invitation rule applies to me?"
"I don't actually know, you'd be a better judge of that than any of us, but to be honest I'm not sure I want to risk any outdoor tests at all while it's sunny."
"Well, the sun's probably lower now, it being like five or something, but yeah, I should probably cover up if I go outside. Since it's presumably exposure to sun – it feels like that and the shade seemed to help – and not just 'you happen to not be under a roof, wow, enjoy burning' or something."
"Okay, yeah, I was just going through the list. Uh, we haven't tested holy water yet, not sure that we got a proper confirmation on running water, various other holy symbols, we're planning on testing echolocation later… Anything else to do with sway?"
"Well running water maybe try a sink? If crosses don't work I don't expect holy water or other holy symbols to, echolocation's probably also best at night, and I'm not sure about Sway..."
"I mean, a shower didn't do it so I was thinking something larger like a river, but I'll try the sink idea anyway."
So he does!
Nothing bad happens!
"Yeah river next I guess, at night, too. Uh, then I think we've actually run out of tests we can meaningfully perform with the contents of a middle class American teenager's house?"
"Yeah," he agrees. "Unless we notice anything else about my vampirism in the next few hours. Which will hopefully be a positive, not a negative, if we do."
"So now I guess we maybe have food, check if dimmer sunlight feels less painful to me, and then do stuff until sunset?"