That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
"Um," says Theo. "Do you mind if I go fetch my phone real quick or alternatively can you delete that now–?" he asks in a bit of a rush.
"...what, really? Fuck." He immediately finds and deletes the picture.
And then looks at Theo. "Um. Okay yeah now that I'm paying attention I get what you mean."
Matt says, "Just a minute, checking something," and puts his phone down, seeming to be thinking.
"Uh, I– will try not to say anything that would cause you to do anything," he says, trying to be reassuring to Sadde.
"It's alright, I'm pretty sure I can deal—wow it's really insidious isn't it, why do I have this on my brain, why do you do this thing by default and why do pictures do what they do."
"I don't know! And it's horrible, I know – if you'd prefer, though, you can take a photo of me again? I think I'm probably more used to the effects by now?"
"What are you testing—I wonder if there's a way to cancel it out rather than just passing the buck, maybe if I take a picture of you and you take a picture of me...?"
"Should I go get a phone then? We haven't even confirmed that it works like that for me, just that I get a thing over people by default."
"A bit too much creepy 'his face is so pretty oh my god' but other than that I think I mostly acted how I would have normally."
"It's not just the prettiness, though, I definitely feel more—charitably inclined? Towards him. Like, I'm pretty darn charitable already, but without this is more pragmatism and general sense of morality whereas here there's a very strong empathetic thing going on."
"Yeah, I– um, I wasn't happy about the murder thing but I'm pretty sure Theo wouldn't do that intentionally, not unless something were majorly screwing with his head, so I was guessing that was the bloodlust thing? That he probably has? I'm not sure you've actually mentioned that."
"So anyway," says Theo to Sadde. "Does the following sound like a good idea? I'll take a photo of you, see if you feel different, then you take a photo of me, we check if it's balanced?"
"But like, it's one thing to understand on a verbal level that it wasn't his fault and it wouldn't be productive to dwell on this fact or spend emotional energy on it, it's a whole 'nother to be actually feeling stuff like 'oh poor thing he's an angel.'" He looks at Theo and nods. "Yeah, sounds reasonable."