That evening, in the hospital's morgue, Theo finds himself naked on a metal table and much less dead than most people had been led to believe earlier.
In fact, he's feeling quite alive.
… Less slow meandering, in that case. He can look at all the other pretty things on his way and then return and look at them a bit more later.
Can he just drop it then? It's not gonna make a mess over him or something, is it, that would be sort of disgusting.
He does so!
… Are there any more tasty smells near him or can he continue looking at all the pretty?
He can return to the pretty later.
For now, he will go further outside to follow the smells.
Ooh a new sensation outside: wind! It feels very... windy. All over his body. Like the whole world is hugging him. The world is very snuggly. It probably likes Theo.
And the wind brings smells! It's probably past midnight, given the quiet and the activity level and the darkness, but in spite of the darkness he can definitely see. The street he's in is deserted, and the closest smell is coming from around that corner there.
Aaaah. Theo likes the world back. It provides him with nice smells and sensations.
He goes around the corner! No point being on a deserted street when there's a nice smell around.
He'll go grab the smell and bring it back to the first one – he can do that, right?