Why did Ileosa hurt Choryon earlier? That was an unforced error. And now Choryon is wary of her and doesn't like her as much and when she was feeling sad earlier Choryon pulled her into a hug and that was nice but it's not going to happen again unless Ileosa does something and the only way she knows to repair a damaged relationship like this one is with grandiose gestures and high-intensity love-bombing but that usually sours when she runs out of energy for it and then she's trapped in an endless loop of making up for what she did after she flagged in making up for what she did after etcetera.
It was nice when Choryon was pursuing her, even though she wasn't making any particular effort to present her best face; it seemed Choryon liked Ileosa plenty just for being who it came naturally to her to be. It felt like they were both here because they both wanted to be, even though Choryon was under Ileosa's mental control she always spoke and acted like she could walk away at any time and didn't need to manage Ileosa's emotions. Ileosa never realized how important that was to their dynamic until she broke it.
Ileosa is a method actor and while her conscious mind is locked up her subconscious can easily generate some grandiose gesture for her body to execute. Ileosa raises her hands, minutely, despairingly, to signal that she is open to an embrace but imply that she doesn't expect to get one, and she says, "I understand if I'm too loathsome to you, now, for you to want to hold me."