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Deskyl and DZ among space debris

No. No. No no no no no no no. She's only barely recovered from last time they took her; she can't let them take her again.

If she draws her saber, she'll die. There's no doubt in her mind about that, outnumbered as she is and with her master right there. There's nothing she can do; he knows it, they know it, she knows it. They wouldn't do this any other way.

The flash of inspiration is more like a memory; the floating, disconnected kind that sometimes linger after... whatever it is that they do to her. It's never been quite like this before, but - she reaches into the Force, nudges it just so...


The burst of feedback - fear and rage and terror - overwhelms her; she reels, barely keeping her feet, distantly aware of the shouting, of her droid stepping forward to steady her. She ignores it as best she can, and continues nudging at the Force, carefully, carefully...

And then, suddenly, she's elsewhere.

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She finds herself in a pristine white room. Roughly cubical, maybe three meters across.

The third most interesting thing about the room is that she's currently weightless.

The second most interesting thing about the room is that its walls, floor and ceiling all appear to be padded. It's hard to say at a glance, without actually drawing close and poking at one, but they certainly have the shine typical of rubbery cushioning.

The most interesting thing about the room is that she isn't alone in it. There's another person, currently facing away from her, suspended in the middle of the room by a series of cables (one anchored into each of the room's corners). And, moreover, in her weightless state she is currently drifting slowly towards the aforementioned mysterious personage in the mysterious room's epicenter.


She stops drifting.

The droid bumps into her. She starts drifting forward again; they both stop, and then start moving at a rather faster pace toward the nearest cable. The droid grabs it; she stops to float nearby, where she has a view of both the droid and the other inhabitant.


The cable turn out to be pretty elastic, and so the droid grabbing hold of one of them ends up sending tremors through the whole eight-pronged spiderweb.

This gets the attention of the person suspended in the room's center, who turns towards the source of the vibrations and appears Highly Alarmed by the sight of Deskyl and her droid floating there!


(The person appears to be a young human woman, one wearing a contoured bodysuit with reinforced joints. Her face is uncovered, though her suit's heavily padded collar obscures most of her neck. There's also an open patch between her shoulder blades, where a line from the ceiling plugs into some sort of cybernetic apparatus between her shoulderblades?)


The droid tries speaking to her - a question, in an entirely unfamiliar language. Her tone is calm, but slightly worried.


The woman responds in a language that is equally unfamiliar to the two newcomers.


She tries two more, neither familiar. When they both fail, she signs to her companion with her free hand.


The woman maneuvers under the cable - it's entirely unclear how she's propelling herself; it seems to be completely effortless - and grabs it from the other side, angling herself so that the droid can see her free hand, and then closes her eyes.


The woman in the room's center continues to be Highly Alarmed. She blinks a couple of times, and then a hologram of a similiarly dressed woman appears in midair near the room's far wall.

She converses frantically with the hologram, the room's projectors mapping her counterpart's nonverbal cues and its speakers projecting her counterpart's voice.

All words continue to be in an unfamiliar alien language.


After a few minutes, the newcomer begins signing a translation.


Translated: "--She's coming out here? Personally? Okay. Upload the desired coordinates and I'll hold position."




"Okay? I'll hold position here." It's not a great introduction, but it should get her attention.


It does!

The woman twists around to face DZ again.

"Can you understand me?"


She waits for her companion to finish signing before answering: "Can understand."


"Are you... okay? Do you or she need help?" The woman glances at the distinctly-unconscious-looking Deskyl.


More signing. "She and me are okay, and need help."


"My master is on her way. It should only be another couple of minutes until you're able to speak to her. Do you need anything from me in the meantime?"


"Speak to me, help understand?"


Her surface thoughts flash with confusion and indecision.

This scenario does not even remotely resemble anything she's trained for.

She isn't sure if her master would want her to keep speaking to these strangers, or to keep quiet now that one of them has said they aren't in immediate physical danger, or even to unclip herself and go for her medkit anyway just in case the metallic-looking woman is mistaken/lying about the unconscious-looking one?


"My master will be here soon." Her hand hovers uncertainly over the release-knob on her harness. "I have basic medical supplies, potable water and rations. Could you or your companion benefit from any of those things?"


This time, when the woman finishes signing, she opens her eyes - she does look very tired - and lets go of the cable, carefully enough to avoid jostling the web, not carefully enough that she shouldn't start drifting again. She doesn't drift.

    "She and me are okay," the droid repeats, and curls in on herself slightly; it seems like she considers the conversation over.


Their perplexed host makes no further attempts at conversation, either.

A few minutes later, the hologram from earlier pops back in and tells her something-in-the-foreign-language. She responds by blinking her eyes several times, cybernetically instructing the room to provide a view of the space outside across its forward face...


...additional projectors flick online, and now the front wall of the room is a great void. It has the look of deep space, save for a single feeble dwarf star off to the periphery and a few visible fragments of orbital debris. Below, and off to either side, it's possible to glimpse the edges of what might be a very strangely shaped space vessel?



They watch.


One of the lights in the distance gets brighter: not a star, but a pair of fusion engines.

As these engines blaze closer, it becomes possible to resolve a winged silhouette between them.

Then all at once, the titanic figure is upon them. The wings housing the fusion engines rotate, allowing the thrust to slow the monster's descent. It comes to a stop a short distance away, its outline clearly visible now in the dark.

Judging by its size and apparent distance, it likely measures between a tenth and a twentieth of a kilometer in length from snout to tail. Its wings span a similar distance.

As it stares at them (or, rather, at whatever vessel they reside inside) a new voice emerges from the speakers in the padded room. This voice has an uncanny melodic quality. It uses the same sort of alien words as the two harness-women did.


The newcomer closes her eyes again when the new voice appears, but she doesn't start signing immediately.


"It's me! I am, I am!" The woman in the room's center grins broadly, relieved and delighted by the arrival of this enormous scaly creature. "Can you see the people I found in my cockpit? I can adjust the display settings... oh! Oh good! Yes, here they are."

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