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Salmons and Carmines in Azurite
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… He does come back! Walks back through the door looking slightly inquisitive!


"Was just testing—that's very good hearing by the way. Also I was thinking you don't need to go pick anything up if Willow has a butler she can call up."


"– I'm just getting them from upstairs, a digital camera and a CD for my laptop?"


"Right but, the butler can get a larger variety of things, is what I mean. Although, enh, nevermind."


Shrug. "Okay, be back in a sec."

And he goes to fetch the aforementioned items.


They are still waiting for him when he comes back.


"We can probably do the digital camera thing first, right? – I probably have a cable to connect it to the computer somewhere but I'm not sure where, shouldn't matter, not sure what resolution it is but probably better than 720p and do we need video or just a single picture?"

Voilà, camera. (He also has a bunch of CDs on him.)


"Well, we should decide on a testing protocol first."


"Uh, this might not be specific enough but try setting the quality of the camera and some phone to a standard resolution, compare the sway between images taken by each?" He thinks a moment. "I mean, it'll differ anyway because there's how well it captures the image even at the same resolution, and the camera should do better there, I think, so it should probably be slightly more sway?"


"Sway doesn't look like it's very easy to detect variations on the order of 'slightly more.'"


"It's not, really. But we can at least check if they're approximately similar or if it's somehow dramatically like a tenth of what we expected?" He shrugs.


"Okay so then we need to wait—"

The doorbell rings.


Is it the butler? Theo's guessing it's the butler. Efficient.

"Willow, you want to get that since I'm guessing it's your butler?"


"Sure." She gets that. It's the butler. She gets the requested apparatuses.


Woo, apparatus! "We can compare them both against a baseline phone camera, see if they're drastically different and see with the digital camera if they're drastically different when you force the resolution the same?" Pause. "And is your butler just disappearing back to your– mansion or something?"


"...honestly I have no idea where he goes."

She fishes an analog camera and a polaroid from the bag.


Ooh. "We should maybe see if holding a printed photo works the same as holding a USB with the photo – I mean, separately, using a printer, since the Polaroid probably takes photos at a different quality."


"Oh, good idea, do you have a printer?"


"Yep! And probably some photo paper somewhere and it's good for ink so should I go do that now? One of you takes a photo of me, we copy it onto my laptop and print it out?"




Pause. "Yep, seems about the same as last time."

He gets a cable for the laptop and offers the other end to Sadde for the phone. Pauses for the alarm, again, like the seventh time so far, then continues.


Sadde gives him the phone and once the picture has been transferred to the computer deletes it from her phone.


Confirmed deleted, then he prints it out and for once a printer works conveniently and as expected and he hands her the printed out thing.


She takes it.

It is not as strong as when she had the digital version.


"Weaker than when it was on the phone," he comments. "It'll probably be stronger if I print out a larger copy?" he suggests. "Should maybe try that."

Total: 2023
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