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Salmons and Carmines in Azurite
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"It'd be nice if there were some other vampires available for comment and they could tell us all about the current state of affairs, wouldn't it," he sighs. "But yeah, I think healing people small-scale is probably a good start because then at least we're not doing nothing, and in the meantime I can, what, try to pretend to be human and just say I, what, woke up in the morgue and ran away for some reason?"


"Yeah, maybe you were confused, aren't there some diseases that make people look like they're dead?"


"… I think there is a frog that slows your heartbeat with its venom or something, but I am pretty sure they cannot be found anywhere nearby." He shrugs. "I'm sure they will find some explanation, or they'll just assume there's some medical one to be found, but if I claim to be, like, confused and not wanting to be in a hospital because 'they p-p-put me in a morgue!' or something that should work to stop them from, like, trying to do tests to work out what."


"Hopefully so, yeah."


"Ok!" he says. "Should I do that now, then? No reason to wait unless we just want to think of a more convincing explanation, or– could wait until my mom is back if that benefits us any? I'm not sure it does, though…?"


"Now sounds good," she shrugs.


So he fetches the phone off the cradle and calls the hospital.


"Saint Clare Hospital, how may I help you?"


"I– I don't really know how to say this," he says, then takes a breath. "– I, uh, I– woke up in your morgue?"



"What's your name, sir?"


"Theo," he responds. "Theo Owens." Sniff. "I'm not in the morgue anymore – a couple of days ago, that's– that's when." Pause. "Apparently I went in an ambulance from school?"


"Sir, this is not funny."


Long pause. "I know," he says. "Apparently people think I am dead." Pause. "I can come in and you can, I don't know, check against my ID or something?"


"...that might be best, yes," the voice says, sounding surprised.


"Okay," he says. "So, Theo Owens – do I need to bring ID, like, I don't actually think I have any on me?" Pause. "I didn't grab anything in the morgue, I just left, so I don't know if you still have my phone or whatever, or a record of what I looked like or my wallet or– anything?"


Pause. "We still have Theo Owens' possessions, yes."


"Okay, well, I'll come in, uh, soonish?" He covers the receiver and asks Sadde, "Now?"


"I dunno, I guess?"


He shrugs and – assuming he gets no response from the other side of the phone – uncovers the receiver and says, "Bye."



Hang up.


He puts the phone back down! "So, sounds like we're gonna be doing that today, then."




"Should be fun!"


"Well, you know, at least it means I will continue to have my legal identity."

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