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Salmons and Carmines in Azurite
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"… I can, yes – not when Matt was trying to drag me over the threshold but before that yes."


"So we can't test whether your intent to do things is affected, hmm..."


"Intent to do what things? – Intent to go inside the house is messed with if I'm too close?"


"Intent to set the house on fire or throw rocks through the window or whatever."


"Well, we could see if my intent to try breaking the door lets me actually in to break the door, but I expect that'll be contaminated by the fact I can't get too close." Sigh. "Unfortunately I don't know any not-so-abandoned buildings around here, or ones people would be okay with me destroying, and if I did I think they might not count to keep me out anyway."


"Preeetty much. ...hmm. Can you get close to the door if you don't wanna get in?"


"… Should I form an intent to do something else or just see if I can get there while curious about being able to get closer?"




Sure, whatever, he'll just go up to the door while intending to see if he can see inside the freaking house because obviously the fact he's a murderous vampire is totally his fault, ugh.

Apparently he can get to the door if he doesn't have an intent to go in.


But not beyond...?


He is not planning on going inside at this point, no. He thinks that were he planning on going inside he might have some horrible desire to get immediately away from the house so that he's nowhere near it and right now he doesn't want that sort of feeling so he's just going to very casually not want to go in, thanks.


"Anything we need testing here after that result or are we done?"


"I kinda still wanna explore the boundaries of that but I'm sure we won't find any loopholes."


"Yeah. Any particular boundaries you want to explore right now, or are we going to have to try to find a place that still counts that he can try to destroy?"


"Wanted to see if he could walk towards, say, me, inside the house, without forming an intent that mentions the house. And after that I, um, kinda wanna spend some time with my mother."


Nod. "Should we do that now, then? And – he could be further from the house so it's not as bad for him if it is bad."


Theo is probably willing to– whatever. Right now he's just standing near the door with his hoodie on, not doing much.



In he goes.


So Theo walks back from the house a bit, to about where he previously stopped of his own accord while trying to enter the house, and forms an intention to walk to Sadde.

He seems stopped exactly the same way as before, and reports that to Matt.


"Yeah, kinda expected that."


"Mm," says Matt. "So – I guess we'll see you tomorrow, then?"


"Yeah. See you. And, um, I'm sorry for everything," he directs to Theo.


"Sorry for everything, too," he responds, then waves and starts walking back to his place.


Matt shrugs and waves too, following.


And Sadde goes back inside to talk to Laura.

Total: 2023
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