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slavery vs. the floor: round 2
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Aye. Now, when do we get to banning serfdom like Enric said?

(Lluïsa knows what a serf is... as a legal status. From law books.)


Obvious the King-In-Irons wants to abolish slavery! What else is the point of this nonsense! For.


For. For, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for - 


Jaume has come around to thinking it's in fact bad to own people but you can't just fucking steal them. Against.


For! Let's get this disaster settled and open the ports!


For, duh.


Against. Slaves are less criminal than free humans, to say nothing of free halflings.


Blai is somewhat concerned that if he tries to draw a vote on his ballot he will accidentally produce an incoherent scribble. He Guidances himself and forces himself to focus for a moment and - for.


Oh, against, if it fails it'll be a great success for the conservatives.


For. Narcis doesn't trust slaves, they've got every reason to be sneaky and conniving. If you can turn them into neighbors maybe they'll improve and maybe they won't but that's true of anybody.


Against. She doesn't have any hope of stopping this nonsense, but that doesn't mean she's going to be complicit in it - especially not when this is a clear first strike in a movement that will also ban slaves from mining. How are they supposed to fix the country if the convention keeps making new problems faster than it solves them?


This law hurts fancy nobles who want to invent elaborate justifications for why they should be allowed to hurt people, and helps the sort of people justice will not defend, like Raimon was talking about in his sermon. For.


Opposed. We need more obedience, not more laxity.


For. He's not looking forward to what the radicals will try once they're emboldened by this win here but that doesn't mean it's not his duty to do right by Cheliax.


Obviously for? More halflings going to become properly trained fae is more farms making real food. And it's not like land nobody is working is going to actually go unfarmed. She knows nobles like to give those to other people. They can figure it out.


For, and may all the righteous gods bless Her Majesty for it.


Against. If they get rid of slaves he'll be on the bottom and that's terrible.


Against. It's not as good at currying favor with his duke as it would be if votes were public, but the man's a sorcerer, it's hardly as though he could lie about it to him.


Against! Don't steal his stuff!


Milani, forgive me. Against famine. Hopefully they will swiftly bring a bill he could vote for.


For, not that there was any doubt.


She smiles. For.


For! He can't wait to do the serf bill next, when he comes back a free man with a bag full of gold that'll show everyone who used to look down on him.


More customers. For


Kind of expecting this to be a disaster for the south.

The Iomedans will be for. It... probably increases demand for orc slaves, which personally enriches him. And it's out of Antonio's committee, Antonio hasn't given any sign that he's unhappy with what the committee came up with, and Antonio has put a lot more thought into slavery than he has.


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