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By the time the afternoon session lets out, she's there by the doors, in her new Badger Urchin velvet coat, with brass badger buttons. The only pampleteer remaining, handing out the only pamplet remaining. "The Undying Badger, as certified in Osirion"


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The Constitutional Convention having Passed a Law to Censor Many Things, but Giving an Osirian Exception, My Friend Teleported to Osirion Immediately, it being That Important that the Badger not be Interrupted! 

The Veracity of this Document has been Attested by a Priest of Abadar

Now nearly Eighty years ago, I created an Immortal Workforce! Through the Animation of Badgers I first Created my Present Residence. I did not Immediately Realize the Importance of the Badger, but Soon I realized that They are the Best Thing! And when I discovered the Means of Grafting Intelligence to these Most Industrious of Creatures, they became Something Truly Special! Unlike Lesser Necromancers' Mindless Servants, my Badgers Learn and Improve Forever!  

Consider my Dear Clarabella, my Most Trusted Lieutenant! She Manages our Entire Operation with Exceptional Efficiency! And Haria - the Finest Wizard among my Badgers! She and her Two Fellow Wizard-Badgers have Mastered Many Spells! Their Tireless Nature makes them Exceptional at Complex Enchantments - I believe that No Living Craftsman could Match their Patient Precision!

Montserrat and Eulàlia Maintain our Vast Libraries, their Undying Minds Accumulating Centuries of Knowledge! Jordina has Mastered Seven Schools of Alchemy, each More Complex than the Last (or Maybe Not, Its Hard to Say)! As for Mercè and Núria, they Tend to Matters I Shall Not Specify, as well as Accountancy! Each Badger Builds upon their Skills Eternally, Never Tiring, Never Aging!

I spent A Many Years Crafting Magical items. If you Own a Magic Item with Two Black And One White Dot in a Pattern, It is One that I Constructed and Sold with the Help of my Loyal Badgers. And you are Lucky, for it is Well Crafted and High Quality.

We have Built an Immortal Enterprise that Spans Centuries! Each Badger Contributes their Ever-Growing Skills to the Badger Company that I Manage! We Create Wealth! We Advance Knowledge! We Improve the World!

But I have also acted with Virtue in the Past.

Before my Ascension, I would Visit the Homes of Other Necromancers and Point Out their Errors! "Your Zombies Shamble Most Inefficiently!" I would Say, or "Have you Considered that your Skeletal Warriors might Fight Better if their Joints were Properly Articulated?" Sometimes I would Helpfully Correct their Ritual Circles! Once I Spent Three Hours Explaining to Necromancer Viess why his Spells were Inefficient.

But I did not Limit myself to Helping my Fellow Practitioners!

The Ancient Tombs of Cheliax, Lawfully Investigated, held Many Secrets! I Remember Well the Tomb of the Scorpion (I Named It So), where I Found the Entrance Quite Blocked by Several Centuries of Fallen Stone! Most Inconvenient! But my Animated Laborers Cleared it All Away Most Efficiently! The Scorpion Demons Inside were Also Inconvenient, but they Proved No Match for a Properly Organized Assault! I Retrieved Several Interesting Specimens, and Left Behind a Much Tidier Tomb!

Or Consider my Grand Expedition to the Tomb of the Bone! (Again the Name is Mine) The Sealed Magical Passages were Most Frustrating, but Nothing that could not be Overcome with Sufficient Application of Force! The Resident Mummies were Quite Territorial, but I Put Them All to Rest Most Permanently! In Addition to Obtaining Several Exceptional Ritual Components, I Left Behind a Much More Accessible Archaeological Site!

I am able to graft intelligence onto Badgers (Only) for a Fee of Three Thousand Pounds. This offer is extended only to the country of Osirion.

[Certain Sections have been Redacted, but this Version has been Approved for Publication in Osirion, where they Understand the Value of Eternal Enterprise!]

This advertisement for magical services has been approved by the Osirian Censorship Office as it reflects a real offer of magical services by a law-abiding proprietor who has paid the relevant taxes and fees. It is beyond the scope of this office to advise on the wisdom, morality, or efficacy of purchases of magical services in this case or any other. Customers are responsible for knowing the law in their own jurisdiction and for ensuring their safety and that of the people around them. The ritual by which lichdom is attained is prohibited in Osirion without special permission of the Ruby Prince Khemet III, Pharaoh of Osirion, &c&c&c&c.

Legal in Cheliax under the first publication statute (Eriape's Arcane Mark)






He had expected the radicals' censorship plan to fail disastrously but he had not actually expected that it would fail this obviously in under twelve hours.

(No, that's not fair, it's possible the lich is just lying about having it approved, which is a failure mode he predicted and pointed out on the floor but one that's admittedly harder to avoid. He turns it in at the palace.

Apparently it is in fact actually approved in Osirion.)

Well. Maybe it'll be easier to get an adequate bill through the floor now.


And then freedom of the press was destroyed across Cheliax forever.


Oh no. 

Oh no. 



Once they're around the street and clear of the urchins -

" - if you knew where to go, could your party take her - even if it wasn't permanent it'd buy us a couple of weeks - my man in Absalom had a guess as to where her lair is -"


He does quick calculations "- It's not impossible but I don't like our odds alone, it's her ground and short notice." A serious attempt would involve called earth elementals doing underground scouting and divinations and day-before buffing and he has none of them. (For that matter, half his party is back home.) "We can support the Lord Marshal, of course." But.


But it is a major favor to beg of someone busy and important. Carlota feels assured of her ability to repay it even if the Lord Marshal doesn't already account himself as owing her a favor and he kind of should. "I'll ask the Lord Marshal. Do you know where the lair is? The man who does my Mansions is very good at his job, hinted he had an idea, and also is very expensive."


"No, I haven't been tracking that." He's been very busy! "'Below the sewers' is all I have."


"All right. Meet you and your team at the mansion, unless your place is unscryable and unsurprising for people to be gathering at? And I'll go look for Alexaera."


Coeliaris walks by, Tillia in tow. "Magic problems certainly aren't urgent."


Carlota should not duel the woman in the streets. She'd lose and it wouldn't help. 



Where's Alexaera.


He's often at the temple at these hours. She finds him there, in one of the back rooms. He puts down the copy of the incident report he's reading. "Carlota! How can I help you?"


"Alexaera. I'm here to beg a favor. The Badger appears to have gone to Osirion and bullied their censorship office into publishing her autobiography. It is being distributed on the streets."


"I'll help... Do you already have a plan for finding her? For containing her or finding the phylactery?"


"Finding her, I have an expensive plan, and will explore cheaper plans. Containing her, no. Phylactery, no but it's still worth doing without that as it at least buys us a couple of weeks in which to stabilize the situation in the city. Joan Pau and his people are meeting at the mansion to plan. If there is anything or anyone in particular that you need I will try to get it."


"Joan-Pau and his men should be enough support...  I'll talk to de Luna, so he's standing by in case something unexpected should happen, or if there should be an emergency elsewhere. And once I've arranged that I'll gather a few more men and go to the mansion." Probably the people he brings will have to sit it out if they can get good enough information for a teleport, but they'll be helpful if they can't teleport in or have more capacity than he's expecting.


"All right. Your tactical command for the evening, my job is to get you a location?" 


"As you say."



Off to spend a truly horrifying amount of money, then. But less than it will cost if Cheliax ends up burning all of its books to get the devil (and the liches) out of them.


Back at the convention doors, Jilia sighs when she sees the urchin, and then again when she reads the expressions of the others and sees more disgust than annoyance.

"One way or another, The Badger won't be published by the end of this week. Probably your 'lady' has made it untenable to allow anything published. Tell the one of you girls I spoke with that I'm sorry, please, and would be happy to speak to her again."

She doesn't stick around, or take a copy. It wouldn't help.


"Sounds like something Oraneta would do. She have a kitten?"


"Yes. Please convey my apologies to Oraneta, then. And the rest of you as well, if you want them."


This pamphlet is so legal, and so innocuous really. If the badger lich is a real badger-animating lich and not just a very strange wizard putting on a very strange performance, then apparently the Law is so powerful, even liches flock to eagerly obey it, when it doesn't come from Hell.

One copy please and here's a tip for you, urchin.


Lady Eriape is kind of an idiot and will likely (permanently) die from attracting all this attention… but on some deep level Estella respects her commitment.  If Estella can ever find a way to safely test Eriape’s self-targeting transmutation spell, and it actually has a valid usage for living creatures, Estella will let any wizard that wishes copy it from her spellbook, so long as they remember Eriape’s name.

Also the mental image of a (female) Lich harassing an Osirion censorship board into approving her advertisement is great.


Previously, the presence of a slightly-cracked mid-to-high-circle lich somewhere under Westcrown did not seem a major issue. A sort of danger, sure, but, Golarion has lots of sightly-cracked mid-to-high-circle casters.

However, now we know this lich is actively creating undead wizards out of badgers. Badgers, Viricanilla vaguely seems to recall, are rather smaller than halflings, have litters, and reach reproductive maturity in, what a year or two? Whatever, they're clearly going to be easy to breed in large numbers. 

Hopefully, there's some reasonable limit on how many she can turn into wizards (the 3,000 gp price suggests some resource issue, and the yield of ones with wizard potential isn't clear), but hope is not certainty.

And even if Eriape isn't tempted to breed an army of undead badger wizards to overrun the world, now that she's published this, it'll attract attention from liches (and would-be liches) who definitely would.

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