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a bit of superheroish setup

Colonel Burton gets up, holding the door open for his guest.

"Well, Dr. Reiter, everything you've told us sounds excellent. If it were all up to me I might pass you through right now, but you know what they say -- trust..."

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"Trust, but verify?"

Reiter knew there would be something like this and doesn't care. He knows the countermeasures to polygraphs, he has facial microexpression training, and he not only knows that fMRI lie detection exists but he knows the countermeasures there as well.


"Trust but Verity."

Burton leads Dr. Reiter out into the hallway lined with featureless doors.


"What do you mean, 'verity'? Isn't that ungrammatical?"


"I'll introduce you."

Burton puts a hand on Reiter's shoulder -- his grip seems oddly gentle for a military man -- and indicates one of the many doors. The two men enter.


"Hi! I'm Verity!"


For the first time in this whole process, Reiter doesn't know how to respond. He takes the seat that the beaming young woman indicates to him.


"So, Dr. Reiter! Have you been hiding anything relevant to this application that we would want to know?"


"I am a spy and a saboteur, I am joining with the intent of betraying your organization, there is a plan in place to detonate a nuclear device on American soil on 27 April of next year, I wasn't briefed on the full details but I know enough to try and thwart your detection of this plot..."


Suddenly, the hand on Reiter's shoulder is very firm indeed.


"No, Doctor, please sit -- it sounds like we have quite a lot to discuss!"

Here Ends This Thread
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