A practitioner and Elves in Arda
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(A month and a half.)

When Ulmo appears she kneels. It'd happen anyway, may as well make it look voluntary.



The ocean gathers itself around him. He, himself, looks vaguely like light glancing off water, translucent but blindingly bright, shimmering into a very oversized but distinctively humanoid male form. 




Lord Ulmo.

I am Amber, of Earth.

That's got to be news. Varda can't have told him there's an Earth.


You have arrived here before the time appointed for the race of Men.


I know. Men were not made for a world of permanent midnight and I look forward to seeing the dawn.


Where is Earth? Tell me of it.


I don't know whether there is any direction that will take you there if followed long enough. I can't answer where.

It is a planet, round and held together by gravity, populated by billions of Men.


Part of why I asked to speak with you was to request, if you are able and willing, the retrieval of some things from Earth.


How did you find yourself here?


I don't know. I had no idea Arda existed, and found myself here with no warning. Varda seemed to assume it was an act of Eru. I don't have a better guess.


What things of your home were you hoping we could help you find?


They're books. I can give you directions to my house from my world but not to my world from here, so locating them may be impossible.


I can reach your world. 


She sends geography. A continent, a coastline, a distance from it. Roads with signs in an unfamiliar alphabet. It all leads to marshlands surrounding a house on a hill.

There are a lot of books in that house. The shelves are not important, but if it is easier to bring them as a single load they'll do no harm.






I have put the whole house in a place in this world where the Enemy cannot find it.




Thank you.

...I'm not sure I'm interpreting this correctly. If you didn't decide to bring my home here merely to deny access, are you offering me a safe haven from the Enemy?



It will not endure forever, but of the kingdoms in Beleriand it will be the last to fall. Unless you are careless. The fates of Men are hard to see.


I will endeavor not to be.

I didn't know Men had fates, hard or easy to see.


Perhaps on Earth there is no one who can see them. Ignorance of fate can look very much like its absence.


Does this mean I need to beware the Doom of the Noldor? Neither I nor Nolofinwë's host have been following Fëanáro, or even associating with him directly at all, but we don't know how wide it is meant to reach.


You had no part in the evils that prompted the Doom. Nolofinwë's host did, and should fear it.




It is at least limited to those who had some part? Some expected that they could never safely have children, in case it might affect those innocents.


The Doom is on the Noldor as a people.



Arafinwë is a Noldo, and innocent. Artanis is a Noldo, and a victim. Any future Noldor were no more present than I was.

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