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A practitioner and Elves in Arda

Both Noldorin kingdoms solidify. Walls go up, crops grow, and the orcs are too easily repelled to seem like much of an existential threat. With survival no longer an immediate emergency, they're free to build up in other ways. 

Amber confers with the other Nolofinwean practitioners, We need firepower. We know there are powerful elementals on the Ice, since it's all unpopulated and dominated by natural forces. But even if we catch some, snow isn't exactly a weapon. Is there anywhere else like that?

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What's the key bit, the unpopulated or the powerful forces? Middle of the ocean? I bet a bunch of the domains of the Valar are amazing, shame about being exiled forever from Valinor and all. Edge of the world, if it doesn't get us killed. Utumno, which is even likelier to get us killed.


Unpopulated is just because natural forces are the ones we're best equipped to take advantage of. If people are there there'd be more than just that.

What's Utumno and why the edge of the world?


Utumno is the stronghold of the Enemy from the first war between him and the Valar. It's supposedly been abandoned for eleven thousand years, at this point, but before that there was very powerful magic at work there, so I'd expect there'd be something interesting. Same with the edge of the world, there's magic there keeping it in shape and it's very dangerous and nothing else is known about it.


That actually sounds tempting. It should be impossible, so whatever's doing it anyway is messing with physics. Does anyone know why it's dangerous?


It is not the obvious reason that you'd fall off! Apparently the force that pulls you down everywhere else pulls unpredictably and in varying directions, there, and there are tall mountains meant to keep people out. 


Of course it'd be too much to hope that gravity would be weird in any way that makes sense. 

If that's like, dangerous patches that need to be avoided, that'd sound pretty manageable. Every step of the way would be harder.


And the Valar might notice us doing it, though I'm not sure if they'd do anything.


Hm. They can find out about magic from Melian either way, but we don't want to be the ones being questioned. How closely do they watch it?


The one time I asked Oromë he said they'd know right away because they have warnings there so they can help people who get stuck, but he might have a different sense of 'right away' than us.


And we'll know if we've been spotted but might not know until we've been spotted.

If it's about helping people who get stuck, as opposed to stopping people from getting torn apart right this minute, we could just get in get out get on with it.
Maybe make multiple trips. Or even send a bunch of false alarms if they're any slower the twelfth time than the first.


I expect it'd take them a long time to get bored. Valar, after all.


Not even boredom, just 'oh, it's probably not an emergency,' but good point.


Could work, could make them paranoid Moringotto's up to something.


As tempted as I am to say that if it makes them move against him it's probably a good thing, you're probably right. Better to rely on his "right away" being our "reasonable time frame."


Are you expecting elementals at the edge of the world or are you just curious?


Both reasons. I've never heard of a gravity elemental before but I'm betting there are a lot of them there.


And what could we use those for?


Depends what we get, could be anything from flight to impassability to siege weaponry.


All right, then it's probably safer than Utumno and worth trying.


Utumno sounded interesting too, but that one would be just curiosity. And much too unnecessary for the risk.


Our magics don't seem to interact in a way that'd make you expect Others there?


I'd expect something. Formerly important ruins are a great way to find somethings. But I only really know how to go about getting mileage out of forces of nature, and Utumno isn't better than everywhere else for that.


Makes sense. And the ocean?


On the Ice they came to us, but places in the middle of nowhere where no one's ever been don't tend to have that much to catch. Weird gravity, intentionally placed, is better odds. And is probably less inaccessible than deep sea diving.


Okay. Better have a plan for if you do end up explaining yourselves to the Valar.

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