AN ACT for the Better Regulation of Magical Arts and Education in the Republic of Cheliax

WHEREAS it has become necessary to establish proper regulations for the practice and teaching of magical arts within the Imperial Cheliax;

AND WHEREAS the safety and prosperity of our citizens demands prudent oversight of arcane powers;

AND WHEREAS the prevention of catastrophes requires vigilant regulation;

BE IT ENACTED as follows:—


1. Short Title

This Act may be cited as "The Magical Arts Regulation Act of ???."

2. Interpretation

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-

"Spell Lord" shall mean the office created herein for the regulation of magical affairs;

"Metatitle" shall mean a designation of magical achievement as established by this Act;

"Relevant Hellknight Order" shall mean any body of Hellknights specially charged with matters arcane;

"Major Magic University" shall mean such institutions as shall be designated by the Spell Lord;

"Spellbook" shall mean any personal associated tome or collection of magical formulae used in the practice of wizardry.


3. Establishment of Office

(1) There shall be established the Office of Spell Lord

(2) The Spell Lord shall be a person of demonstrably Good alignment, as verified the Queen of Cheliax or her Agents. 

(3) The office should be offered to the President of the Constitutional Convention. Should he decline the office, subsequent appointments shall be made by majority vote of the Convention, any subsequent legislative body established by such, and failing that, the Queen of Cheliax.  

4. Powers and Duties

The Spell Lord shall have power and responsibility to

(a) To regulate the introduction of new created species 

(c) To investigate and suppress dangerous magical activities; 

(d) To grant and revoke Metatitles according to the law of cheliax 

(e) To superintend the relevant Hellknight order in all matters 

(f) To establish and maintain a voluntary registry of all practitioners of magic above the Third Circle

(g) To inspect and certify, on a voluntary basis, all new permanent magical constructions above the fifth circle

(h) To declare states of magical emergency when necessary

(i) To establish containment protocols for magical disasters

(j) To regulate the creation of extraplanar portals

(k) To oversee royal magical research facilities

 (l) To establish standards for the safe disposal of magical materials

(m) To determine the expected income per circle.


5. Liberty of Teaching

(1) No license shall henceforth be required for the teaching of magic, PROVIDED THAT such teaching does not endanger public safety.

(2) The Spell Lord shall retain authority to suppress dangerous instruction.

(3) All magical instructors shall maintain records of: 

(a) The names and addresses of their students; 

(b) The nature of magic taught; 

(c) Any significant magical accidents or mishaps; 

6. Establishment of Educational Tracks

(1) There shall be established two tracks of magical education: 

(a) The Primary Track, for those seeking mastery of the highest Circles; 

(b) The Supplemental Track, for those seeking limited magical knowledge.

7. Of School Contracts

(1) All contracts for magical education, established by anyone, past and present, shall be standardized according to the following terms:

(a) Students achieving any Circle shall have their maximum repayment per year limited to seventy five per centum of expected income for the circle they had at the start of that calendar year. This expected income shall be determined by the spell lord.

(b) For those achieving no Circle, fifty per centum reduction of total debt shall be granted upon surrender of spellbook; 

(c) For those achieving only Cantrips, twenty-five per centum reduction of total debt shall be granted upon inspection of spellbook.

(2) Each new contract shall include: 

(a) Clear statements of all financial obligations; 

(b) Provisions for early termination; 

(c) Schedule of instruction; 

(d) Rights and responsibilities of both parties; 

(e) Procedures for dispute resolution, which must be Her Majesty’s Courts


8. Establishment of Metatitles

(1) There shall be established a system of Metatitles, to replace the former Paratitles.

(2) Such Metatitles shall be sold for the benefit of the Major Magic Universities.

(3) The basic cost of the Metatitles shall be determined and published by the Spell Lord

(4) Discounts shall be granted as follows: 

(a) Four per centum for each years military service to the Nation 

(b) Three per centum for each one years' teaching at a Major Magic University of Cheliax

(c) Ten per centum for each military award for Bravery approved by the Queen 

(d) One per centum for each Spell published and made public to all for no cost other than cost of materials.

(e) For participating in the liberation of Cheliax, Four Day War, on the side of liberty, Thirty Per centum

(f) For participating in the liberation of Cheliax, Four Day War, on the side of hell, not a discount, but an additional Fifty Per Centum instead.

(h) The Spell Lord's discretion: Up to half of the remainder.

(5) The total discount to be added. No discount to be greater than ninety per cent.

(5) Examples of Metatitles shall include:

(a) Metabaron (For third circle)

(b) Metacount (For fifth circle)

(c) Metaduke (For seventh circle)

(d) Metaprince (For ninth circle)

(e) The spell lord may at his discretion establish more Metatitles

(f) The queen may grant any titles at her discretion.

(g) The saviors of Cheliax are granted all titles.


11. Savings

Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit: 

(1) The proper study and advancement of magical arts; 

(2) The right of all citizens to pursue magical education; 

(3) The traditional privileges of established magical institutions; 

(4) The use of magic in defense of Imperial Cheliax; 

(5) The practice of divine magic.

12. Commencement

This Act shall come into force upon its promulgation by the Queen of Cheliax

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this _____ day of _____, in the Year of Our Liberty the First.

[Space for Signatures]



President of the Convention



Secretary of the Convention



First Spell Lord of the Republic