Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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I'll come on down.


And to Cam - "so, Imliss and Idaia's home universe, before they spent thirty thousand years in an Arda? Six months have passed."


"Wonders never cease. This have any particular implications?"


"I think they are now significantly more inclined to go home, and wondering what I will do to their dimension if I run across it? Imliss asked me to come down and talk."


"Do you want me to come too?"


"I enjoy your company, but not if you're in the middle of something, it'll just be summarizing the magic-confined-to-locals, tech-level-eh assimilation plans..."


"I'm like, forty percent in the middle of something? Either way's fine by me."


"Imliss thinks she might have resurrection after a couple of centuries of practice."


"Oh look at that I'm zero percent in the middle of something."


Kiss. Downstairs they go. 


"What's the threshold for how much technology a place can have before you can just scoop it up--I--if you were in charge you could clear our parents' names."


"And you think with a couple centuries of practice you might be able to bring them back, right?"


"Yes. ...It might be more than a couple, I don't know for sure, but eventually."


"Got the steam engine yet? Electricity? What share of the population lives in cities?"


"Neither of those things. Printing press yes, decent roads yes, sewers yes, ocean-worthy ships yes. I...wasn't a student of social sciences but, um, significantly less than half?"


"Only sapients are humans?"


"So we'd put a modern-equipment hospital modified so people who have never seen a computer before can be taught to staff it and a modern university in major population centers, lay down passenger and freight trains between them, and go tell the local leadership that wars they start will be ended, wars against them will be ended, and in exchange for this protection treaty we ask only that they not obstruct anyone, including people who have broken local laws, from leaving through a portal we set up somewhere on the rail line. Portal goes to somewhere managed by us directly."



"Uh, not obstruct anyone as in no guards, or as in they're required to let people out of prison and escort them to the portal if they express the desire to go, because those are different things."


"Latter's hard to enforce, and I'm really hoping somewhere we'll find something that'll just let me hand everyone personal teleportation devices, but in the meantime we'll probably negotiate that place by place depending what kind of prisons-and-things-people-are-imprisoned-for they have going."


"I'm hoping some people will decide they'd rather be a regional governor of the galactic empire than King of some preindustrial nation, but if not they can continue kinging their preindustrial nations. I'll pitch it more aggressively if they have unusually disinclined-to-leave-for-various-reasons populations or are unusually competent."


"That makes sense. Um, also Kilaiuossa has some...ethnic tensions. That you should probably be made aware of in advance of diplomacizing."


"I still don't have a way to reach the place - unless the door opens to there for you, does it? - but go ahead."


"...It might, I haven't tried. So, there's this one culture, called the Bremri, that are sort of quasi-nomadic and kind of all over the place, and they're a minority pretty much everywhere, and a few hundred years ago this one really awful king decided to blame them instead of his own questionable policy choices for some problems the country was having at the time, and he was a really bad king but a really good rhetorician and there were a few really unfortunate incidents and it sort of stuck. For part of that time there was a policy of attempted forced assimilation. Bremik, the language, only stopped being illegal about a decade before Imliss and I were born."

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