Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Oh yeah, they're just dangerous to touch in the first place. If we retain Bar access and can do very subtle interdimensional stuff maybe we can sort of scout them..."


"We should definitely maintain Bar access, no question. My fathers tried and got nowhere on the time-stopping trick, that might be magic-only."


"We do have a magic-your-father now."


"Who's somewhat pressed to get immortality for humans before Idaia and Imliss are in their thirties, I take it, but after that his comment on taking Melkor was 'give me several centuries or all three Silmarils'.


Thinks he can handle daeva too, though I didn't ask how."


"He can have several centuries and possibly also all three Silmarils!"


"Think we can pull the one off Venus?"


"We'd need a way to hold the door open for days and days but it's not like we're incapable of traveling to Venus. It'd certainly be harder than the other ones though."


"Convenient occasion to have a fairy. I wonder, if you're dismissed holding a Silmaril, whether it goes with you okay - probably does..."


"I was sort of under the impression your Tyelcormo's fancy spaceship design software wouldn't have a hard time coming up with something Venus-worthy but maybe I was mistaken?"


"Magic ones might not, can't think why regular ones wouldn't."


"We can definitely spaceship it," he says to Imliss, "it'll just take a long time to get there."


"Macalaure asked if we had any close friends who should ideally be fetched if we're going to be here a long time, and the answer is yes, Idaia's roommate found out and they're pretty close, so I was thinking we should get her while we had the door open anyway for Silmaril purposes."


"And you're very, very sure of her?"


"...In what way, exactly? I mean, I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, but..."


"Not persuadable by my evil alt to help him pull stuff off, most importantly, unlikely to think it's funny to grab a Silmaril and run off..."


"Oh, definitely."


"Then we can probably do that once your Fëanor's gotten immortality done and needs them for whatever he's doing next."


"Yeah, Daphne is...well, first of all, one time she gave a spontaneous lecture on consent to someone who was making a rape joke, and I'm pretty sure if you asked her if she'd make off with a Silmaril she'd say 'I don't want to literally die.' So. And--yeah, not urgent, not even a little bit urgent until Idaia stops spending the vast majority of her time holed up in her room with her husband anyway."


"Should anyone be doing anything about that? Tyelcormos don't do that when psychologically healthy but I don't want to confuse cause and effect and assume he'll be happier if encouraged to do things that are not 'stay in one room with his wife'."


"It's also possible Milliways time subjectivity is at play and it hasn't been that long for them."


"Yeah, true. Oh, Bar, our other question was whether people typically, uh, pile up in Milliways like this or if we're unusual."


Occasionally the door will go on a streak of some kind, and occasionally someone will use the door or other mechanisms to accumulate more people in the establishment from their world, and occasionally the two are combined; but most landlord-initiated door-openings produce individuals who stay briefly, encounter no alts of themselves or anyone they know, do not attempt to invite others in, and go home. Some are "regulars" and some are one-time visitors.


"Thanks. And have people ever gotten evicted for annoying the landlords?"


It is typically possible to identify other possible explanations for patron departure.


"Fair enough."

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