Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Well, if anyone at all does, then they do."


"I will talk to them about getting that done sooner than later."


"Well, Dad's going to be busy for ten years, give or take, getting immortality sorted, so it's that long before he can even start on the Silmarils and I don't know how much he'll be able to do with them while they, you know, burn us."


"Yeah. Ugh. Still."


"Killing some Melkors will be really satisfying."


"We're going to get so good at it."


"It's a good thing to be good at."


"I'm pretty sure we'll be able to take daeva, too, but not sure when or how it's best to mention it."


"Singularity's Morgoth is a demon. I'm sure they'll be thrilled if we can take him."


"If I thought I were indestructible I'd be less than thrilled that the local batch of mass murderers had worked out how to stop me."


"I really don't think you'll have trouble presenting it as 'oh look another way of smiting Morgoths' instead of 'there is a significant chance we're going to attack alts of our little sisters who are doing the exact opposite of withholding Silmarils.'"


"It is super convenient that the extradimensional people with the excellent powers and everything are basically us!"


"And Cam, who--ah--you probably haven't heard this part."


"Okay so Space Angbands are even worse than regular Angbands, Space Morgoths can destructively upload people and then run them way faster than Morgoth can just expand their experiences on his own, and he can fork people he's torturing too. So Cam finds this out, and Morgoth does a wide variety of other really awful shit as well, and then Morgoth offers to swear not to pull any evil shit if Cam will put Valinor in a black hole. And Cam says no, because he's not an idiot, but the Angband is so awful, and then he gets a way to confirm Ainu oaths so that they can't fudge it with illusions, and a way is discovered to resurrect all the Elves who're on Valinor at the time, and they come up with a sufficiently binding wording for the anti-evilness oath..."


"Cam's pretty sure he'd go up like flashpaper if he touched a Silmaril and wasn't a demon. He's not judging you."



"If I write a song about it will he be upset?"


"I'll ask."


"Thank you. I wrote ones about - us, about the sacks of Menegroth and Sirion - it's how I process things, I want to know, I want to remember..."


"That makes sense. I'm sure the one from Singularity already has, but--I'll ask."

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