Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Wait, what?"


"I guess I could have been reading her wrong, but that's what it looked like."


"I mean, she and her me are psychologically healthy and stuff and could, like, responsibly have a kid if they wanted."


"Yeah, I don't know what was up with that. Remind me to ask her later."


"Will do." Snuggles.


Snuggle. "I keep coming back to, what if the test comes out positive...we had a lot of sex, people getting pregnant from just once is totally a thing..."


"Couple weeks before we know, right? Do you want to spend a couple weeks worrying - is there a way for that not to happen -"


"I don't think I can not worry at all for the next few weeks but you can definitely take my mind off it a great deal of the time."


"Oh, good, I'll do that."


She kisses him.


The new batch of Fëanorians requisitions a couple of rooms to get to work, and Maglor decides to settle the concert scheduling problem by setting up a place to live outside and then singing whenever anyone is around. Most of the engineering teams take some time off to listen. 


Matt Carter spends all of his time at the bar reading. He is polite and friendly and will make some faintly entertaining jokes when addressed, but he does not initiate any conversations and he will volunteer if asked that he plans to do exactly this for as long as needed. 


Maitimo (who is mulling nicknames along the lines of 'there but for the grace of the landlords'...) is worried by this. He tells Midnight everything and pleads with him not to come down to the bar and complicate everything and offers to bring him and Forever all of their meals. Midnight wants to take his boyfriend to hear Maglor singing but is happy not to complicate everything.


Maglor is an exquisitely depressing singer.


Cam limits his dosage of depressing singing, but he goes out sometimes and listens.


At some point he asks him if he has anything uplifting in his repertoire. He does, apparently; he's been pretending to be an Earth pop star and can also do no-longer-toned-down-for-human-audiences late-20th-century pop concerts.


It is unclear if this is an improvement but it's different.


Edie is impressed with literally everything Macalaure sings.

And at an opportune moment she says, "So, we should probably talk about the implications of our alts," to her boyfriend.


"You mean the bit where they're happily married or the bit where they're horribly traumatized?"


"Mostly the former, since I'm a demon and therefore constitutionally unable to die for thirty thousand years."


"And if I try it you can just fetch me! I would ask the Tyelcormo how they decided to get married but he's, um, inaccessible - guess I could ask one of his brothers -"


"Or her sister, yeah."


And a little later when they're in the bar, "hey, Matt, d'you'know how your Tyelcormo and Idaia decided to get married?"


"They had known each other for a week and were possessed with more disdain for custom than self-control."


"Uh, what?"


"They got married in the woods a week after meeting."


"I feel like this is another Normal Arda/Shiny Tree Arda thing?"


"Our Arda has not had any shiny trees for thirty one thousand years. ...can your kind of Elf have sex without getting married?"


"Yes, yes we can, what the actual fuck."

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