Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"We don't have a way to check if the songs are magic other than singing them, do we - you can't conjure recordings that are of magic songs, doesn't count as a different medium -"


"I don't think so..."


"Well. Let's not sing things my evil alt sings, the information value's not high enough to justify musical mind control - also, maybe we should try to avoid recordings of some of these coming into existence -"


"Yeah. The sheet music's bad enough, yet another thing for the 'demon powers are just a little too convenient' list..."


"And this one's not even one that's easily enforced, you can't stop people from inviting a friend over and singing them a song -"


"Demons would find the specific notion less restrictive than Elves would but on the other hand demons are used to anarchy so."


"I meant more 'can't easily check for violators with conjuration', not 'would be unacceptably authoritarian', but yeah, that too."


"Enforcement probably gets somewhat harder if people think the rule is unreasonable!"


"I mean, the rule in my kingdom's just going to be 'use of magic love songs is prosecuted as rape', is that going to go over badly in Hell."


"Anarchy includes no actual procedure for prosecuting rape. It's not actually impossible for demons to rape each other but it's a hassle, kind of a crapshoot to find somebody who won't wall an assailant off or happens to have chosen to be unconscious or can't easily flip off whatever surrounding power structure - anyone who's really keen on it takes summons and waits -"


"Wouldn't have to wait that long. Minimum legal binding back home doesn't let daeva touch anyone, but elsewhere it was a problem."


"Yep. I've been summoned in badly managed bindings before."


"Desperate or just careless? ...might actually steal the minimum legal bindings enforcement from Mandos, it wasn't a bad idea or wouldn't have been if he wasn't Mandos."


"Careless. Desperate people drop the gag, apart from my current unbound summon I've never been summoned ungagged. Not letting daeva touch anybody seems okay for short term summons, cruel for long term ones for some possible daeva..."


"Who could turn down long-term jobs, but that might be squandering some perfectly functional partnerships. Do you have a good set of ground rules in mind?"


"I guess if you don't have gags common then a lot of the failure modes are less terrible, I'd need to look at the set Mandos was enforcing with that in mind."


"The point of the gags is so you don't get talked out of your soul? .... I guess if you don't actually have souls you can't just have a binding that prohibits that specifically..."




"Awkward. And yet better than the alternatives."


"I'm not sure it would improve anything on an Earth for it to become common knowledge that demons cannot actually take possession of the non-chip variety of soul. Desperate summoners would have to cough up something else if they wouldn't be entertainingly horrified by the prospect."


"Whereas in Abaddon soul-stealing is worse than most things people could be entertainingly distraught over by a long shot."


"Yep. Very different conditions."


"Enforcement of a 'no making people' policy will also make that problem go away, I guess."


"Well, I assume having your soul extracted while you were, like, alive and the daeva was therefore not sent back yet, would still be kind of unpleasant, even if they couldn't go on to do anything with it."


"Yes, but not necessarily the kind of thing I'd want to prohibit, on the what-are-they-trading-for-otherwise principle?"

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