Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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Magic's interesting. Haven't tried any yet, I'm writing a notation translator for the sheet music.


What does it do?


I am guessing it doesn't do resurrection? Though if this Mandos can bring back dead unchipped Elves, maybe we could ask him or copy what he's doing...


It doesn't do resurrection that I've found. It'll, like, grow crops and do illusions and stuff. I'm assuming their Mandos works like Singularity Mandos rather than like your one and just sort of magically holds all the information and stuffs it in bodies; whether that's in principle doable with magic music I don't know.


Well, crops and illusions are fun - do recordings work -


They don't know, obviously, they don't have electricity. If I can get any of it to work when I get that far I'll try a recording after that.




He comes down a while later for lunch and more chip requests. "Um. You said summoning started working when the Valar died, it occurred to me that if the Doom stopped working -"


"Oh, good thinking." Another batch of before and afters.


"Thanks." Kiss. "No word from the Findekáno?..."


Kiss. "Not yet."


"Which doesn't mean anything at all, I suppose. I can start the computer reading and then come back downstairs, minds are big, it'll be at work a couple hours..."


"Sounds like a plan."


So he does that, and then comes downstairs, and is weirded out that the notation for music is very close to his world's.


"I think the Quenya is also Quenya, since it looks like that and not English to me even in the translation effect."


"You'd think there'd be linguistic drift - they didn't have writing until 1250 - enough of their history parallels ours - except writ small, with swords, and everyone is a terrible person - for it to be anything less than some force keeping history on the rails..."


"The Quenya's not identical, but it's definitely mutually intelligible, yeah. Your world's really the odd one out - the other two you can go 'oh, it's the magic god Valar doing magic god things' -"


"Like making sure the Darkening happens in 1495 regardless of anything else? I thought it came as a surprise to the Valar, too? - wait, how did the Darkening even happen in primitive Arda - if Valinor and Endorë are on the same planet -"


"I didn't look that up yet..." Investigations. "...magic glowing trees. That's. Stupid. And implies that Endorë was just sort of dark all the time?"



"...that can't be right, how would there be an ecosystem, how would it support a population - more magic? Glowing trees?"


"More magic, I guess. Lots of it. I was going to propose calling it 'Mirror' as a superficially neutral sounding reference to how it's evil but it's increasingly tempting to look for a name that addresses how dumb it is."


"How's it - lit - now, if it didn't have a sun -"


Cam looks...

"It has a sun now. The Valar installed one. And a moon. The moon was first."


" their eyesight better than ours, because I couldn't see Araman in the sky once the suns went out..."

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