Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"You did him a really big favor. Imagine if he hadn't said anything and then all of this had happened, I'm pretty sure Cam'd want nothing to do with him."





"Yay impromptu relationship therapist Edie."


"Our Maitimo used to export that kind of stuff to our cousin Findekáno, who's a bit more - possessed of common sense than him. I am glad he had you."


"We were talking about forking in a Findekano to figure out what the hell would actually be best for the traumatized one."


"Cam doesn't want to?"


"We haven't decided if it's a good idea yet. And then both Cam and Maitimo got super depressed in an unproductive way and were snuggling so I was like, 'okay I don't think we're getting anything done now I'm going to go seek emotional support in the arms of my boyfriend.'"


Hug. "Well, I'm not even going to try to snap them out of it for a week or so, then maybe it's time to try conspiring for the evil one to get eaten by the giant squid in a hilarious and unproductive-depression relieving way even if it creates a lot of work for us afterwards."


"That is an excellent mental image and I may write fanfic of it but I don't think it's probably workable."


"We can make a cartoon, there's this excellent suite of animating software you can pirate for me."


"If we're going to be pirating stuff I should make a list so we can compensate people when we get out of here but yes, let's do that."


"Maybe we can compensate them with stuff from Bar, since you can buy stuff from Bar with counterfeit currency. Anyway, the software's Vala Creative, third edition, if we've got enough footage of evil Maitimo we'll barely have to do anything - wonder if the squid'll consent to guest star..."


"You could ask!"


So he leans over and inquires of the giant squid whether it would be interested in guest starring in a movie in which it eats this rapist who got let into Milliways somehow.


That sounds diverting, although it would like to disclaim any interest in actually eating people.


"Yeah, we've decided not to kill him. Just a movie. Thanks."


"We should probably include a disclaimer to that effect in the movie itself. ...And not release it to general audiences, given that Evil Maitimo looks like not-evil Maitimo...although it might be hard to keep Hell from getting their hands on it..."


"Evil Maitimo can't possibly be expecting me to pretend I like him or possibly be worrying I'll stop caring about him just because he is evil. So I'm not too worried about him seeing it. But yeah, wasn't planning to publish it anywhere."




"I mean, you're advocating killing him, I think most people would interpret that as you not caring about him."


"He's hurting someone. We don't have a way to get him to stop. Or am I missing something?"


"It might or might not be possible to get him to stop some other way. Take longer, but it might be doable."


"I hope it works. How much longer -"


"I don't know. It depends on a lot of things."



"Okay." And to work figuring out the animation program.




"Well," Cam observes, when there's a lull in the singing, "this has been productive, hasn't it."


"Were we doing anything before -"

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