Cam is dipping a grilled cheese sandwich into a bowl of tomato soup when he feels the summons. He goes ahead and grabs it. Doesn't even drop the sandwich.
"Okay, this implies that at least various political figures are in place - D.C. being named after someone and the Louisiana Purchase having gone through and the argument about birds having occurred. When we get somewhere with Internet I'm going to see if versions of my parents and, more saliently, me, are around."
"I mean, if you'd have a particularly public existence I might be able to track you down, I have a lot of notes on how to conjure up various sorts of Earth information from nothing since I'm usually crippled on Earth itself, but I'm planning to look for my parents by virtue of the fact they were both public employees."
"Well, apparently George Washington was a general and the first president in both cases, unless you're about to tell me that actually, here he was a Martian who conquered the fledgling republic and the place has been a tyrrany ever since. So I'm hoping at least one of my parents is where I'd expect them to be. Charlie more likely than Renée."
"Sure, and I don't know how all the various necessary conditions for a United States survive the existence of aliens and abundant forms of vampire and so on. In my world there were barely any summoners and they kept it low-key; in your world apparently they break into apartments and so on."
"I do. But some people who went on to become public figures did spend time as college students. I mean, I didn't, but that's because when you get in on the ground floor of a field like daeva summoning you can skip it."
"And then when you were stuck in the middle of nowhere you were beset by goblins or something?"