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That’s an even easier choice, he can vote to let a Paladin handle it!


What could be more just? How about not removing the existing committee members, except for the madwomen? Probably a losing battle, though.

"As a member of the current Judiciary committee, I support a proposal to reconstitute the committee free of the radical voices that have dominated it in the early days of this convention, in line with the Duchess of Chelam's proposal." Sorry, radical voices.


It’s still going to hurt a bit to see his committee dissolve. But it’s not too bad, with the new committee guaranteed to be mostly good. Maybe he’ll be able to get some protections in through the rights committee, too. 

Also, wow the nobles can give speeches. It’s hard to stay still and quiet. Back home, town meetings didn’t have these kinds of accusations and arguments. Mostly because they have no archmage to stop it turning into a brawl if anyone starts talking like that. 


Rouen has now made it to the podium. "It is our purpose to serve the Queen. The Queen has, through Her appointed President, given us instructions as to what She wants from us. As I interpret her President, it is his opinion that 'those entrusted with the awesome power of government must be accountable to those they rule.' This is an exceptionally radical statement, but Her Majesty has, in fact, had it made. She wishes Cheliax to be governed by the Chelish people. She wishes for Cheliax to be governed by the laws in effect when they were written, and not by any others. These are her instructions. If I misunderstand, I trust She will correct me. If She wishes to give us new instructions, I will obey these as Her most loyal servant."


She's right but Carlota's going to ignore her in favor of winning. "A vote of the people on which people they wish to have making committee assignments is acceptable to me, as a way of ensuring that the committee reflects the will of the whole body. With this stipulation I will favor the committee's dissolution and reconstitution, and thank its existing members who are no associates of Wain for their service."


With the compromise accepted, it is time to vote. Dissolution of the previous committee is first, and few have spoken against it.


Yeah the Judiciary committee can die 380-20 and the twenty were probably people confused about voting or something.


And the chair? Is it Bellumar or Oriol?


Bellumar! He wanted to hang Valia Wain for treason! Pretty great idea! 


There's now a moment for each of the three men to explain briefly their theory for who should make up the committee, and then the first vote with three options is put to the floor. When given a choice between Archduke, Duke, and Count, how does the floor vote?


They are split between 'voting for paladins is Good and passes the loyalty test and makes you go to Heaven' and 'but really we should hang Valia Wain'. It comes out about 58% Cansellarion, 35% Felip, the Menadorans steadfastly for Narikopolus but not very numerous, some fraction of sortitions confused. No one established how they were planning to do rounding.


She's not even one of the twenty, not that anyone can tell given the privacy of the votes! This is far from a complete victory, but - it's not really a defeat either, they can trust Lord Cansellarion's picks and between him and Lluisa that's at least four. Maybe Victoria has better political instincts than she thought, or a better grasp on Carlota Chelam. The second vote is lost, but she knew going in they weren't going to get it.

She votes for Lord Cansellarion in the third vote, of course, and is pleasantly surprised at the numbers.


Well, eight of them are allocated cleanly. Then 8% is largest, and then 7%, and Felip will graciously accept that the 5% must vanish. Perhaps the Lord Marshal, who has not been planning to appoint six people to a committee, will look at his prepared list before conferring with anyone else?


Funny, that, the convention happens to have nine new representatives for the Church of Iomedae today, all of whom are officers in the Order of the Glorious Reclamation, half of whom have a year of judicial experience in post-infernal Cheliax because that's most of what the Reclamation's been doing. So, while he wasn't actually planning to appoint six people to a judiciary committee, he has a list of his own already.


Carlota's going to return to her seat quite smug. Alexaera and Joan Pau should both be very impressed what she pulled off, there.


Thank Iomedae for more competence in Cheliax. They still need to divvy up the four estates; Cansellarion has the churches covered, but perhaps he could take on sortition as well, as his choice would likely be superior to Felip's? Felip could cover nobility and the elect, and that way they can let Narikopolus pick freely.


Jilia is impressed, that's for sure.


Well, he can't tell the paladins about the secret secondary benefit of the lawful detention law but hopefully they'll support it just because it's perfectly reasonable as a lawful detention law. They're probably going to be whiny babies about reintroducing torturous executions, though.


That's agreeable. He'll pick a sortition. (He will most likely pick delegate Oriol, who has what is probably a valuable perspective.)


Trust a paladin to at least partially redress this unconscionable act of committee banditry.


Very impressive, Joan-Pau messages to Carlota.


Hopefully I am not an excessively clever wizard who has expended all my spells on the beast guarding the gates, with censorship and slavery still ahead.  But she looks very very smug as she nods back to him from across the room.


Well then. Good work to the archpaladin and the archduchess. Still sad to see judiciary go, and that chair vote does not look good. If Enric is a radical now, he and the other radicals need to get it together.


When you're a Duke, it's Lawful Robbery.

His business settled, Felip yields the floor to the elf.

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