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What is this...oh, completing the purge of Wain's influence. Extremely reasonable. She'll cheer.


This eminently reasonable proposal is still irksome because:

  1. Lluïsa hates de Fraga now, and
  2. it's about beating up Valia Wain in absentia, and Valia Wain is Lluïsa's propertyclient.

(Though she still plans to vote in favor.)


So the Evil nobles are just... admitting to everyone that they're Evil and think it's fine for there to still be Asmodeans????


Okay he likes finishing off the iomedaean headhunters, not just dealing with their leader. But didn’t that woman the boss seems friendly with, empress of greater chelam, propose all the committees? So would voting to dissolve one be taking the wrong side in noble politics? Maybe one of the boss’ guys can explain who is on which side. 

At least votes are secret, so he can abstain and act like he voted the right way once he finds out what that is.


"Diabolism will not go away quite so easily, but I second the motion to dissolve the committee. It remains a crime and can be dealt with like any other serious crime."


She's going to vote against it, of course, but this is another fight she can't win and obviously so.


For!! Save her!!


She’ll vote for, somewhat reluctantly.  She was starting to get an in with Victoria, but with the mood shifting against Valia, Victoria is not as useful a potential ally.  And the committee did leak her information to a pamphleteer that twisted it and sent a mob her way.


"Indeed." She'll propose a Committee for the Suppression of Illegal Cults once things have died down somewhat.


There's no line, and so no need for a cloture vote this time. How does the floor feel about the committee's attempts to fight diabolism?


Yeah that was a fucking terrible idea and went terribly and it doesn't look like they'll be judged disloyal for saying so! Passes 306-11!


"Finally, the chair of the Committee on the Judiciary has abandoned the convention, yet the Committee's important work must continue. I propose we reconstitute it with open signups and Count Rodrig Bellumar as chair."


Clever, guaranteed to be a font of horrible reactionary atrocities, and she has no grounds whatsoever to oppose it. 


....who departed the convention? Why can't the committee just pick a new chair? He is too scared to ask.


"Seconded. The vicious, anarchic cruelty of those who wish to return us to the worst excesses of Galt has no place in the Cheliax of today, and Count Rodrig Bellumar is wholly qualified for the task."


"Cannot the committee choose its own chair, or did we establish procedures for nothing?"


Duke Kill One Third Of Men has a whole fucking program here. This makes some sense of the earlier fighting; he's trying to wrest the role of convention organizer from Chelam.

Who do we like today...


"The procedures allow for the floor to choose the chair of a committee, and in this case I think it is called for. The previous members of the committee were unfortunately connected to the Terrible Third, and I suspect are not representative of this body as a whole. If we are not to have duplicative committees, let us have committees whose proposals will pass."


"The procedures allow for the floor to choose a chair while establishing a committee. Should you wish to reestablish the committee, I believe the correct procedure is to vote to dissolve, and then vote to create the committee anew. No business having emitted from the Committee, and the objectionable individual having already departed it, I see no grounds for such a vote."


This isn't what she got in line to talk about, but she's at the front of the line now, so she might as well take advantage of it.

"When other committees wanted to change their chair, the people on the committee voted for who to replace them. The Judiciary Committee still meets all the rules for committees, we have the right number of people from each of the four big groups, we can just vote for a new chair from the people already on the committee. If Count Bellumar wants to join the committee, he can show up and we can vote on whether to add him. There's no good reason to get rid of the entire committee and replace it with totally different people just because Valia isn't at the convention anymore.

But I don't actually think he suggested that because of the thing where we don't have a chair. During our committee meetings we've been talking about how to make fair laws that protect everyone, that don't let nobles just go after innocent people who haven't broken the law, and that make sure nobles can't just get away with murdering innocent people or things like that just by being nobles. And some of the nobles don't like that, they think they should just be able to do whatever you want with you, so they're trying to trick you into voting to replace the whole committee with people agree with them. They were talking in the speeches before about how they wanted to punish innocent people who hadn't broken any laws, even if they didn't do anything wrong, because they want you to be afraid of what they'll do if you dare to even question them.

When I was fifteen years old, my lord had an innocent woman tortured to death for a crime she hadn't committed, that it was obvious she hadn't committed, just because he needed to blame someone. That was wrong and Evil, and I don't want anything like that to happen ever again. And I think the Judiciary Committee should be made up of people who agree that was wrong, and who don't think anyone should be able to get away with hurting innocent people just because they're a noble, or a powerful wizard, or anything else like that."


Séfora applauds. 


"Perhaps I speak unreasonably, since my grandfather sheltered in his own tower, secret from the Asmodeans, and the few villages loyal to us from which we got our sustenance were loyal and true, and so I who say this am untouched by Asmodeanism, but what I say is this: That never would have happened under my grandfather. I do not support it and no one willing to support that should be on the judiciary committee. But neither would the wholesale slaughter of innocents that Valia Wain ordered, and anyone who is not prepared to condemn Valia Wain's murderous treason has no place writing the laws of the country, either."


He nods and smiles at Aspexia-Isona, then addresses Victoria.

"Of course the torture of innocents is wrong and Evil. But I do not think our laws should be a reaction to Asmodeanism, and instead be a wise balance between the needs of the accused and the victims of crimes. Many of us have long years of experience with how law properly functions in many other countries around Avistan, and that is what the committee's responsibilities call for. It is, after all, the committee on the Judiciary, not the rights or responsibilities of nobility."


"The chair should be someone already on the committee. For continuity."

Why is he talking with no speech prepared.

Enric is still kind of scared of Valia and the Diabolism committee, didn't want to speak for them. Probably is better for the convention to not do that But now they're going for his committee. Yes, the archduke proposed it after he did and got the credit. But it's his committee with his friends, and they're going to make trials where officials and evil lawyers can't just do things to you. Those nobles don't look like they're going to do that.

"We have someone who is an expert in judiciary who can be chair. Someone who knows the ways laws can be evil, knows the ways laws can be fair and just, she's memorized all the old laws and new ones. Someone who didn't have anything to do with the riots, but who we know will fight for good and innocent people and for just laws. Because the whole city just saw her win a fair trial... I propose Lluisa Oriol for chair of the Judiciary."

There's more reasons too, he wants to give a speech but can't think of one fast enough. So that'll have to do.




All gods above. They really do not realize that every person here hates them, do they. 

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