"You won't become more my vassal if you tell me your name, but if I have your name it will become theoretically possible for me to give it to someone else. You could pick a less... emergency... nickname, if you like."
"I'm not worried about you running off to tell someone else my name," says not-Ted. "If I were, I wouldn't have come back. But I'm - I don't want you to be in a situation where the options are 'say the mortal's name' or 'get tortured' because you know it. Or if the queen shows up, and since she knows your name, she can order you to say it against your will and - I don't want that, either."
"It's - I think it's just a leftover from how mortals work. It sort of bothers me that random people in Forks know something about me that you don't, and - probably shouldn't for safety."
"It doesn't. It's more - I am upset with her because the only reason she knows it is to make you her vassal, and that feels icky to me. But you're not at fault at all."
"I don't think she learns the names. She just knows them as part of being the kind of fairy she is."
"I really don't think I like one person having that much power, just because of what kind of fairy she is."
"Yes. ...If I ever anticipate the Queen's attention I might go into your world and tell you my name and ask for protective orders. I'd take food, instead, but food from someone who's already my vassal won't vassalize me."
"Mutual vassalization. Same as if I gave you my name. They can still enforce instructions, but usually what happens is one of them is faster at telling the other to be silent. So if you come up with a clever way for me to learn the Queen's name..."
"I should let you know, so you can be free, or - I suppose learn it myself and tell her to be silent. Since at the moment, she can't order me to do anything at all."
"Ah. Then - order her to be silent, and then scurry off to you to give you her name and so you can do the same."
Promise shakes her head. "Order her silent except to command her vassals to aid and abet you and leave you unharmed. Or her guards, the genuinely loyal ones, would just kill you."
"I am - fine with committing a coup, but I don't have a clever way to learn her name. So let's just fly under the radar. The queen is scary."
"I have lots more sorcery to learn before I even start thinking of coup plans, for sure."