"Tae-gun, so good of you to pick up! So you've met Kim Hye-jin, I trust?"
it's a mayday
"Sometimes I wonder if you're suicidal. It's like you're trying to die."
"Then listen to the people who care about you and who clearly are more invested in that than you are! And this isn't actually an argument, Tae-gun, I'm pulling rank on you right now. And I'm calling in my favour."
"Yes, that's what I want to spend the last favour you owe me on. Just—work with me, here, please? And with her? I'm not asking you to silo with her, I know how—how it's been for you. And, mea culpa, alright, I should've..." Sigh "Just work with us. Give this a go."
"Ugh, whatever, I'm on holiday and this is giving me a headache. Figure it out."
Here Ends This Thread