someone decided to publish it anyway
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As my other, public pamphlet has explained, there is a grand conspiracy at work against the Freedom of the Pen.  As the Queen has decreed against publicized denouncement lists, I refrained from listing the primary suspected members of the conspiracy in my public pamphlet (to be reproduced on the 10th of Sarenith).  But, in the interest of informing my fellow pamphleteers, I have listed the likely suspects here in this pamphlet which is NOT TO BE PUBLISHIZED. REPRRINTED, OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED!  I repeat, do not publicly spread this pamphlet, only pass it on to fellow pamphleteers to keep them informed.

Suspected Agents of the Conspriacy

Cyprian, First Consul of Galt:  Possibly the center and core of the conspiracy!  Known for being very prideful and sensitive to even innocent humor, he ended freedom of the pen for Galt and is seeking to end it in Cheliax, using every avenue possible to him including illegal murders, legal chicanery, writing new laws, manipulating her majesty the Queen, and even ordering the production of false pamphlets to discredit Pamphleteers!

Carlotta, Duchess of Chelamland: Likely leader of the conspiracy, she is housing nobility in a magical mansion (a gift from Geryon or Mammon perhaps?) where she can spy on them.  A likely suspect for a noted pamphleteer gone missing during the riots!  Had a man murder (who was secretly a quite popular pamphleteer) and his wife raped by a nobleman who did not even bother to conceal any evidence or his identity!  Most recently, the murder of the pamphleteer known as "Wily Dretch" (discussed in the public pamphlet) was likely under her orders!  As one of the resurrected nobles from before the ascendancy of the Thrunes, she should not be Eviliy concerned with Pride, as the Asmodeans are, but strangely she has taken great offense at Freedom of the Pen.  This indicates the jokes have struck at some hidden truth she feels the need to murder to have covered up!  Diabolism?  Involvement with a Geryonite Cult?  Infernal Cults were rare before the Thrune's ascendancy but existed even then!  This pamphleteer lacks accurate information so can only extrapolate from reliable sources in the hopes some other brave soul can uncover and reveal the truth.

Aniol Rexxach, Count of Juncosa: Denounced previously for cruelty to his servants, one of the old nobles and looking to rebuild his infernal associations under an acceptable banner, has recently moved into Carlotta's magical mansion.  Possibly (not confirmed yet) murdered his own son to provide an excuse for hunting commoners on the night of the riots!

Jilia Archduchess of Ravounel: Advocated for the use of necromancy in a convention Committee (possibly an undeath cultist, such as Urgathoa Cultist, or possibly has hidden political ties to Gebland).  Likely ordered the death of Enric Porras, a delegate on various committees (details in the public pamphlet) for his opposition to this evil idea and the threat of him revealing further information!

Prosecutor Eliad Comez:  Has taken bribes from nobility to prosecute cases they want prioritized such as the case against Select Valia Wain (who was proven innocent and blameless).

Marquis Vidal: Threatened to murder a blessed Druid of Erastil who was freely distributing food over a petty offense against his father.  Possibly not a primary conspiracy member as opposed to an opportunistic enemy of Freedom of the Pen.


Llei Napaciza: Confirmed by a priestess of Iomedae to be genuinely repentant!  But his fiendish blood has drawn him into Carlotta's web of influence, leading him astray.  Still, the words of the Select Valia Wain are Proof he has not entirely fallen to the conspiracy's influence.

Feliu Taul: Paladin of Iomedae,  Spoke in favor of Select Valia Wain. A True Paladin of Iomedae!

Lluisa Oriol:  Came to the defense of Select Valia Wain, has also put out a notice seeking to find information about Enric Porras's murder!

Delegate Ibarra Aspexia:  A Vile Norgorber Cultist, but not actually part of the conspiracy against the freedom of the pen.

Total: 14
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Oh no, oh no, oh no.  How many times did he have to write DO NOT PUBLISH?  Some people are idiotic beyond all reasoning.  He will need to rush to finish his public pamphlet that goes with it, this pamphlet is missing half the context!  .And then he needs to get on the first ship he can out of the city.  How long is teleport range?  At least that far.


That's a denunciation list if she's ever seen one. 


He doesn't know the original author, he barely remembers the original author's face and was sure to burn the copies that actually came from the original author.  He only knows that he was brave enough to do what needed to be done.  He was likely already doomed since his part in copying some pamphlets right before the riots he carelessly didn't pay much attention to, so if he's going to be executed for copying pamphlets, he might as well be executed for something he meant to do.

He has, unpublished, the pamphlet intended for actual publication which very carefully doesn't denounce any names, just lists missing and dead persons under various dates, conditions of death, and circumstances as well as outlines their associations with pamphleteering or other activities undesirable to the nobility..


And can that one be used to find the original author?


He was really careful to destroy the original pamphlet that came from the author!  …and totally forgot about the other pamphlet he had from that author.


Brave martyrs inciting murders of other brave martyrs by yet other brave martyrs, all of them doing what they deeply believe must be done. How rapidly the people of Westcrown have become Good. 


She'll take them both in.


She can catch him busy making copies of his pamphlet intended for publication to get out early in the morning before he tries to find a ship!  (Once slavery is fully banned they'll reopen the ports, right?)  He should have figured he wouldn't even have that long if someone was dumb enough  to ignore his obvious advice and requests!

He has rather extensive but badly organized amateur detective notes about every crime that possibly has a noble associated with it!  And notes on hearsay about transcripts of convention events!  And an extensive collection of other pamphlets!  He hadn't actually been a pamphlet author himself, just a copyist, up until he started working on this pamphlet.

A detect thoughts will show some sort of issue with erratic and compulsive patterns of thoughts.  He has no other conspirators, but he has passed on the public pamphlet for delayed publication to every pamphleteer and copyist he knows!  And the private pamphlet has gone out to a smaller list of pamphleteers and copyist he thought might be in danger!


....she will look over the amateur detective notes, after she's taken him into custody and all extant copies of his pamphlets to a secure location at the palace. Is the hit rate impressive? You can forgive a lot of deranged incitement to violence in a person who is actually competent at solving crimes, or at least Lilia can.



(She is going to try to stop the publication of all of the pamphlets, though.)


He has a good ability to sketch faces, but any quality of detective work is crushed under the weight of conspiratorial thinking.

He has very accurate sketches (he actually met them) of the faces of some pamphleteers that he believes were murdered after the riots!  Further investigation will show a few were already caught and executed, a few have fled the city, and a few were killed in the riots!  He has one he thinks is particularly likely to have been murdered by nobles who in fact fled the city!  The few that fled are likely guilty of incitement!

He has 15 different possible nobles listed for the murder of a man and rape of his wife, he's rated (and possibly generated in the first place) the list by how connected he thinks they are to Carlotta Chelam (which is very inaccurate).  He also tried iterating on reconstructive sketch work of the appearance of the nobles and his final sketch is something that Lilia can maybe work with (if she or knows someone with an excellent memory for noble's faces and manners of dress), but he himself gave up on this approach because he lacked the ability to actually match the final sketch to any nobles.

He has a list of nobles he thinks Enric Porras has interacted with!  It even has some overlap of names of nobles actually on committee with Enric or Lluisa!  He was distracted by making an (inaccurate) chart of the level of association of these nobles with Carlotta Chelam.

He tried iterating on sketches of the murderer of Wily Dretch, but gave up after a few because he was having trouble getting people to give him feedback on his sketches, so those sketches won't be helpful.


Wildly more impressive than the city watch, in any event. She will leave a note for the Queen that she should consider hiring the guy as a sketch artist after his thirty days for Pamphlet Crimes and explaining to him that investigating murders is actually legal and even encouraged if you involve the authorities rather than just your radical pamphleteer friends.


He's so relieved he isn't going to die!  Maybe the Queen really is Lawful and Good.  He'll list the names of everyone he passed pamphlets onto, noting that most of them were very skeptical of his ideas and didn't intend to republish the private or even public ones, but he wants to make sure she can catch them before anyone accidentally commits any crimes inspired by his investigation!

30 days!  And he's heard they even feed people in jail!

After he's confessed to everything, it occurs to him that maybe this was a trick... but too late now.


She would indeed have said approximately the same thing whether or not it was true.

But of all Westcrown's mad pamphleteers at least this one identified a problem that really exists (murders in the city) and attempted to solve it by talking to witnesses and collecting information about what happened and who might have wanted to do it. And a few of the things he learned are, in fact, valuable to her! She would not have spared him in the old days, because he is stupid, but sparing the stupid is the order of the day, and of the day's many orders not the one that rankles her most. 

Off, then, to have the cops track down all copies of the forbidden pamphlets.


A lot of the pamphleteers and copyists the Hydra's Fifth Head gave pamphlets to have already destroyed their copies (and will swear up and down they intended to report the pamphleteer that gave it to them, and even convince themselves they were going to)!  One of them had even actually already reported the pamphleteer to a cop and surrendered the offending pamphlet in advance of the cops tracking them down!  The pamphlets distributed by the Hydra's Sixth Head are a bit harder to track down, he made more copies and was just getting started on bulk distribution.  Overall though, the majority of the forbidden pamphlets can be collected without too much issue.

There probably won't be any long term repercussions of a few stray forbidden pamphlets, will there?


Well, it'd be a shame if they incite a murder and poor little detective idiot dies for it, but Lilia has already spent five minutes attempting to look out for him and surely isn't going to make it ten.

Total: 14
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