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Erstwhile Iomedaean priestess Valia Wain was tried on 8 Sarenith by her Majesty the Queen's handpicked panel of judges: Magistrate Oriol Puigdemont, Count Alexeara Cansellarion, and Grand Inquisitor Shawil.

The judges were unanimous in finding Wain guilty of over 300 counts of murder, and Iomedae Herself ratified the verdict by stripping Wain of her priesthood.

The panel was split on the sentence, with Cansellarion arguing for exile to Lastwall rather than death, so that Wain could be tried and executed by a Church court there. However, he was outvoted, and Wain was sentenced to the Mercy of the Final Blade, to be carried out immediately.

As Wain was dragged to the Final Blade, she gave one final oration. "If Iomedae forsakes me, then may Baphomet burn your city where I have failed!" she began, before being silenced by the court wizard.

"I'd like to see him try," quipped Puigdemont, as the sentence was carried out. "Maybe you can meet him in that Final Blade."

Puigdemont vowed that the Crown's investigation into the enemies of the state will continue. "Her Majesty's government is keeping a tight hand on things," Puigdemont said. "Stay calm, citizens, and know that we'll root them all out."

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Whenever they get around to passing a censorship law it should probably include that newspapers aren't allowed to publish blatant falsehoods as if they were fact, but it's possible the Galtans regard this as an important part of the freedom of the pen or something.



Pamphletio: Is Valia Wain dead, or alive? Surely this can never be known, as some say she was Ripped Apart by Lions, and some say she was Innocent, and some say she was the Queen Herself in Disguise to Test The People. 

Fiducia: Oh, she's alive. At trial she was acquitted. Then the Church took her for religious education.

Pamphletio: Truly, we will Never Know

Fiducia: It was spoken before a crowd of thousands.

Pamphletio: My Heart Tells Me That She Was Revealed To Be A Devil In Disguise And Then Burned

Fiducia: You can't even burn devils, that doesn't - truly, the greater Fool is any who Speaks to You. Good day.

Pamphletio: Or Maybe She Was Smote By Iomedae In A Spectacular Burst of Holy Light

Pamphletio: Or Maybe She Fought Off The Lions, a Holy Warrior Brave And True, Only To Be Mendaciously Murdered by Evil Nobles

Pamphletio: Or Maybe She Was an Evil Noble trying to Inspire Sympathy by Inciting The Murder of Their Own Children

Fiducia: A great Madness has overtaken the city, and I Comprehend It Not

Fiducius: Then truly you are no Fiducia, in its Original Meaning, or you would Comprehend It Immediately. It is not Geryon that has these Men in the business of Lies, but Mammon. The People desire to Read Lies, And There is Profit in Telling Them.

Fiducia: At what cost to our Fair City, and our fair Queen, and our Very Souls?

Fiducius: Whatever that cost, trust Mammon Eager to see us Pay It.


(On Pamphlets, and the Insanity Thereof) There have been Recent Claims that It Is For Profit that the Humble Scribes of Westcrown write their Works. Not So! The Badger is Always Free to All Right-Thinking Men! Many Others charge only the Modicum Needed to Support their Writing! Indeed, Pamplets are an Outlet of the Great People of Cheliax! The Badger Opposes all Proposals for Censorship!

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