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SGA-1 finds themselves at the site of a demon summoning
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"Would that we were so lucky with everything else malign. Vampires and Druchii are much better at keeping order, at least when they have a strong leader available."


"It would be nice yeah. From what you've said it sounds like things have been stable for a while though. Lots of conflict but not much progress by either your people or your opposition am I understanding that right?"


"Not exactly. We're losing. Slowly, but any ground we lose, it's almost always permanent. There's been some good news in the last two centuries, the empire training wizards and some victories for the dwarfs that have made them more able to help everyone else, but we're still losing."


"Well I'm sorry to hear that." Both genuinely for their sake and also because his people are now involved in this mess. This doesn't seem like a Eurondans situation or even really like a Genii situation. "I guess the sort of magical pollution your friend asked us about is why you can't take back territory?"


"Mostly. There's a system to remove it, drain it into the Vortex, but we barely know how to repair it properly, and can't expand it to take land. We're not even sure the elves still know how to do that, and they're not telling."


He's a little surprised at Teodor mentioning something about that important. He considers talking up how good Rodney is at fixing things but decides that would be pushing things too fast. He would be suspicious if someone unknown offered to do work on Atlantis's shield. "Well that's unfortunate. Hopefully you'll find a way to change that."


Well, it's not like anyone hostile doesn't know it. Not the kind who plan things, at least.

"It would be nice. I don't know, maybe the wizards will figure out something, there are quite a few of them and they're not as busy as our witches. Maybe dwarven runecraft can help now that they aren't constantly under siege. It's more likely than the gods saving us, at least."


"Are there any books about the system available to the general public or books about uh... magic in general?" The word magic seems uncomfortable in Rodney's mouth. "That is assuming books are common enough for them to be available to the general public at all."


Shepard grimaces a bit at the question but it's out there now admonishing Rodney won't help.


"As far as I know there are no books on the Waystone Network on this continent, beyond maps of where we believe the important waystones are, which is not something I should share with you until we're very sure I'm not giving Chaos new infomation. Books are expensive and books on magic typically kept very private because self-taught magicians usually get corrupted by Dhar one way or another. I can probably get a copy of Winds, Ice, and Beyond, that's what most crown agents on the cultist front read to get a handle on the basics. ...Male magic-workers are illegal in Kislev, but it's unlikely any of you three have the necessary talent anyway."


"I'd appreciate that. Do your people have printing presses? Those usually make books cheaper. Especially with movable type."


Of course this is where Rodney is going. This is... probably fine. It's not like he's explaining how to make nuclear bombs.... again.


"I'm familiar with the concept but I don't think anyone's gotten a reliable design yet; some Imperials have been trying recently."


"I know a thing or two but I haven't personally worked with any. They're outside my core specialties."


"If you're interested in trying to build one here I'm sure I can find some trustworthy artisans to help; I think books being common enough to afford them even in the villages would be good for people."


"Books are great. I can't promise I know how to make it perfectly but I'm willing to try. The price of books would also depend on how expensive paper and ink are though."


"Neither's cheap to make, but enough that we were paying attention to the idea. Anything else we should try to speed up on inventing?"


"Internal plumbing. You seem to already have covered sewers which is very good, that helps a lot with cutting down on disease but internal plumbing is even better. I guess it's the kind of infrastructure project you might not be able to afford though."


"Yes, that's about cost. Kislev City, the capital, has plumbed most districts, and the richer houses have it here in Erengrad, but we haven't been able to do much more. A few cities in the south are more thorough; in their capital and their main university city, supposedly it's everywhere that's built legally. I don't think we can afford to match them unless we get another generation without an Everchosen attack. ...Or maybe after one, if the cities need rebuilding."


"That makes sense. Do your people know about the importance of washing their hands after doing dirty activities like working with raw meat?"


"...Not as any kind of principle. Cosmetically, obviously. What's the result?"


"It's possible this isn't entirely true for you since you have that... uh god of pestilence but on the worlds we've visited before most disease is caused by incredibly small organisms which damage the body in the process of breeding inside you. Washing your hands can wash those organisms away and by doing so stop diseases from spreading."


"Hmm. It is commonly said that all disease and deformity originates from Chaos, and most doctors are less useful than a priest. But I have heard of a ...mechanical perspective, that supposedly works, from the far south. Only in the last century or two, and it hasn't spread quickly because no one trusts doctors or surgeons to choose their own rules. I can at least bring it to the attention of the Cult of Shalyak; she's specifically a goddess of healing and mercy, and they run pauper's hospitals. I think they'll find out safely, if anyone can."


"Yes, well, I hope that helps. For the same reason it's important to make sure that the place where the sewers lead to isn't a place people get water from. I'd hope that was just common sense but from our own history it seems that it wasn't."


"...Probably you mean something more complicated than 'don't drink fouled water.' Distance along a shore? I think it's generally noticed that it's probably better not to take drinking water downstream of someone's sewer, but that doesn't mean no one does it. Here it empties out into the bay, at least."

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