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SGA-1 finds themselves at the site of a demon summoning
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Teo cocks his head toward Teisiya and then nods back to her once she does. "I'll take the guard duty, better than explaining to someone else. Vitaly, check for anything that needs isolating; the rest of us, let's get out of this charnel house. Dragmil, lead the way; the place near Morr's Gate isn't too far and should have space to be hospitable."

His posture changes; it's not that he isn't wary, but it's the wariness of regular army alongside mercenaries who are only about 90% likely to stay bought, rather than presumed enemies.

He'll wait for them to start moving and bring up the rear.


This is far from ideal but what else is new. They follow in an orderly fashion.


Ronon rolls his eyes and looks a bit disdainful at their captors' weapons.


Rodney looks about nervously but also with some interest. His eyes keep drifting to Teisiya's staff.


Teyla adopts a neutral slightly curious expression.


They get outside and find themselves in: a medieval city. It's a port, and cold; there are small patches of snow under shady eves, and you can smell the sea. It looks like they're in a fairly poor district and mostly nonresidential.

Dragmil leads them south, or at least toward the sun. Away from the water, though glimpses to the west will probably notice that the city and land vanish into ocean.


"Anything you'll need within a few days beyond what any men would? We have to guard you for everyone's safety, but you believe yourselves to be friendly and Kislevites take hospitality very seriously."


"May we get garments out of our bags? We came from a warmer place."


"Most places are."

He pauses a bit, considering the bizarre gun and inexplicable other tools, and decides they are probably already armed in ways he won't notice. He probably won't be able to tell if they get more, but this won't make it much worse.

"Go ahead, there's a good place to stand aside at the next crossing. Please don't take out any more weapons while you do."


"Of course, we would not wish to trespass on your hospitality."

When they reach the crossing everyone except Ronon gets out a thin looking jacket made of an unfamiliar material and puts it on beneath their heavily pocketed vests.


"I appreciate it. Hopefully we can clear things up, but everyone's going to be on edge until we do, especially since you're carrying a lot we don't recognize. ...What's that fabric?"


"It's called nylon, at least the outer layer is. The inner layer is made from down feathers and something called polyester. Both nylon and polyester are made from a type of oil though a complicated manufacturing process."


"Sounds expensive just to replace a fur coat, but I suppose it also looks much lighter."

They take a turn and they're on a wider street, with a relatively clear vote to the city walls (stone) and gate, over all the carts in the road. There's a small group of taller, thinner humanoids with very tall pointed hats (that mostly cover their long pointed ears) and fancier fabrics walking the other way. Everyone is giving them a wide berth, and they're returning the favor.


"Yes well, the being lighter is pretty important. It's also less expensive than it might sound because of economies of scale."


"If you don't mind me asking, who are those tall people over there?" He doesn't point, his cultural training says pointing is often rude.


"Asur, also called High Elves or Sea Elves. Best magicians in the world, best sailors in the world, live for centuries mastering every art of peace and war if they don't die fighting the other kind, faster and stronger than humans... And they won't let you forget any of that for a moment. Their embassy district is in Erengrad, east of here. Best avoided."


"Huh, I'll keep that in mind."


"Unless they're also extremely good liars they also maintain the Great Vortex that drains all the unused magic out of the world and sends it back to the lands of Za to keep it from turning the entire planet into more Za. You can see it in the sky from nearly a thousand miles away, so it's probably doing something useful. Three of their greatest mages arrived to join the Great War Against Chaos in my grandfather's grandfather's time, and taught the southerners to train wizards of their own, and we'd have lost badly without that. But... many people admire them. Or envy them. Or both. Very few like them."

"...Also, now that I think of it, they'd probably kill you. Because they would rate the risks at least as high as Lady Kajetana did, and consider the cost of four innocent human lives much lower."


"Good to know. Avoid the elves."


"S' a shame. They sound like they'd be interesting to spar with."


He chuckles. "Maybe I'll see what I can do. Especially if..." He checks over his shoulder to be sure they're well clear of the elves. "...their cousins show up and are behaving badly. Though that wouldn't be a spar."


"I'm usually up for one of those too."


"We don't get many Druchii this far east, and when we do they're usually trying to pick a fight with the Asur. And they're... I could describe it, but I'll just say they're the vilest pieces of shit ever to walk on two legs, and that includes many daemons and beastmen who are literally crafted by Chaos to defile all that is good or natural in the world. Druchii are nearly as bad and claim the whole time that by torturing you they're demonstrating they're superior form of life. So, you know, I'll see what I can do. And you'll have company."


"Fair enough."


"Let's just see about getting settled in before we sign up for any fights."

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