Sadde and Isabella in Eclipse
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[On the other hand if it is only our moon it could be the case that through whatever bizarre time-syncing method this tunnel is causing people here will just eclipse according to Earth eclipses somehow.]


[Yeah, that's possible too. Need a lotta precogs.]


[I wonder how much preparation and study and equipment would be necessary to figure out the calendar of eclipses here. I bet there'll be lots of people interested in figuring this stuff but I dunno if there'll be enough.]


[I have a higher estimate of the number of people interested in the place! What we don't know is if non-mages can go at all, and how to make sure the filter is 'us' and not, like, 'some rando in the federal government'.]


[For the sake of science, does it matter?]


[Might. I mean, they might let NASA figure out the eclipses but I'm not sure they'll be efficient about figuring out what the eclipses do, say.]


[If they're that interested I'm not sure there's anything we could do about it anyway, though.]


[Well, if they eminent domain it or something they at least have to pay you off? If it's yours before they do that?]


[Pretty big ifs there, especially with it being something so unprecedented, they might just claim it as theirs or something, and in any case what I mean is that we'd regardless have no say on the amount or rigor of science done.]


[Yeah, that's true. There just seems like there ought to be something owed you for finding the place and I don't know how to find it.]


[I expect the lawyer you contacted still hasn't gotten back to you?] 


[Lawyer wanted me to be more specific.]


[Ah. What did you tell them?]


[I wanted to know under what circumstances you could buy and keep property which does in fact currently belong to the feds given that you want it because you found something on it.]


[And I suppose it depends on the thing you found? Like, whether it was a fossil or diamonds or oil or a different planet?]


[I guess, since he wanted me to be more specific?]


[Assuming that's the case, if I were to guess, I'd bet whatever law was most relevant to oil would be the operative one here, or something similar to it.]


[Possibly, or maybe something about cave systems? Since those could extend underground across property lines but still have only one entrance?]


[Oh, yeah, if there's something like that that sounds more similar.]


[Maybe I'll tell him that I want answers for what if it was the ruins of a crashed UFO and what if it was a cave system and what if it was an oil well.]


[...ruins of a crashed UFO.]


[Hey, it's not the reality but it gets at the significance okay!]


[Oh I know I'm just imagining that if there are actually laws about that specifically I'm gonna spend a lot of time laughing.]


[There probably aren't but he could tell me what principles he'd draw on to argue the case!]


[Fair enough. For that I'd guess there'd be laws involving, say, dubiously active mines or other kinds of weapons and maybe stuff about foreign governments.]

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