Sadde and Isabella in Eclipse
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[I wonder if that's slowing you down or if you're doing it sort of in the background the way I do my optimizations.]


[I'd bet it's the latter, I never actually spent time thinking about, say, taste buds and stuff, and for all I anthropomorphize my magic I think the most likely way it's doing that is by reacting to my subconscious or something whenever I gendershift.]


[Ooh, that would be interesting!]


[Yeah. I mean, whenever I do magic I—get feedback, I don't have any persistent magical effects going on, my transition magic leaves me a wholly nonmagical body after it's done, so unless I'm doing feedbackless magic that's probably when whatever happens, happens.] 


[Makes sense. And you do it often enough that you could accumulate a lot of tweaks that way.]


[Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I mean, it's certainly doing some work behind the curtains, when I pseudo-aged myself up I didn't have to do it separately for both genders, and while I was growing up it developed everything in parallel sort of on its own.]


[Ooh, that never even occurred to me to wonder, wow.]


[I actually started going through puberty slightly later as a boy than as a girl.]


[Oh? How much later?]


[About six months or so.]


[What're you using as your identifying-the-start-of-puberty features?]


[First period as a girl and first time something more interesting than just me feeling good happened when I masturbated as a boy.]


[Huh. I wonder why the discrepancy.]


[I think boys tend to go through puberty later than girls in general? But why that'd hold for the same individual at all is a mystery to me. And most people aren't eclipsed, of those only half are mages, of those very few are genderfluid, and of those I might be the only one to have had my eclipse and my two years in the wilderness entirely before puberty.]


[Possible! If you ever meet another one you should ask.]


[I do have forever, after all.]


[Yes you have.]


[You know, with forever, and especially with forever and with being on another planet, the question of how eclipses not-on-Earth would work becomes much more relevant.]


[Yeah, that's true, it'll be a huge factor in colonization.]


[Especially with this place having two moons.]


[Have either of them eclipsed since you've been there?]


[Yeah, one of them eclipsed once and the other twice.]


[I'm so curious what that does, but you'd need such a huge sample of people to be sure you had any information...]


[Maybe it only works with our moon, which would be ridiculous but honestly everything about our magic system is, or maybe there are other types of magic here, and maybe it won't work here specifically because all moons of a planet need to be eclipsed at the same time and I dunno if that's possible here...]


[Maybe the way to do it would be to advertise that eclipses here will be under particularly close precognitive supervision, so people who want to make sure that if their kids eclipse it'll be safe can find that a selling point? But then we have to scrape together particularly close precognitive supervision, and if it turns out that the moons are weird in a way that makes more people eclipse I can't cover the population we'd need alone even if we assume I have great range... but if we time it right we could get off-season eclipse precogs...]

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