Her team's traipsing through the jungles of Chult, chasing down their latest lead for the Shield Guardian's amulet (since the more they can bring to bear against Acererak, the better). Liliane is paying close attention to the geography, to help with returning to where they left the rowboats, when a giant snake with a mirror for a face appears in front of her. Her hand goes to her flail, but before she can otherwise react, it's on her. She flinches, and is elsewhere.
"Iyanden may be our best bet then, they already kinda like us. And I can fill you in on the local politics. I'm not an expert, but I probably know enough to give you a leg up.
And I definitely need to hear about this highwayman incident."
"That works!" And she can fill her in on the highwayman incident. There was a lot of bullshitting and an impromptu economics lecture involved. The basic idea hinged around that if the highwayman didn't take their gold, they'd be able to use it while adventuring in the jungle, conveniently riddled with unplundered ruins, to acquire even more gold, meaning that if the highwayman let them go and hit them on the way back, of course they'd be willing to share some of their surplus as a road fee, which would total out to much more than they had on them at the time (which admittedly wasn't much at all).
(They had every intention of taking a different route back, of course. Liliane might have gotten yelled at by the bard for telling the dragon about compound interest.)
"Pfff. If it gets you past the dragon, it works, I guess.
For the local politics, do you just want a quick summary of the important people, or a history of Why Iyanden Is How It Is, or something in the middle?"
"So Iyanden is basically the unluckiest Craftworld out there. It used to be a populous, and thriving centre of culture and--things being alive. Then it got attacked. Twice, once by Chaos, and once by Tyranids. It only really still exists because Prince Yriel showed up with his corsair fleet --which I was in-- to defend it from the tyranids.
Even so, Iyanden got pretty wrecked. It lost most of it's people. A large part of it's army and leadership is now, well, undead. They're soulstones piloting wraithbone constructs. Iyanden would rather not be doing so much necromancy, but they have to.
Yriel is now in charge of the military, and while he isn't likely to know anything about hopping planes, he might know someone who does. And he like, knows who I am and probably feels positively about me.
Iyanna Arienal is head of the spiritseers --the necromancers-- and of a rival faction to Yriel's. But she's going to be the person most interested in resurrection, and the most likely to know anything about planehopping.
Taec Silvereye-- exists? He's the leader of Iyanden, but most of his work is keeping Iyanna and Yriel away from each other's throats."
"Huh. That sounds like different undead from my home universe, for one. Does it alter someone's mind at all? And would Yriel or Iyanna get upset at us for talking to the other?"
"It does alter your mind, but no more than being a soul in a soulstone really. From what I hear, it's a dreamlike state? They're pretty dozy, find it hard to make decisions, and often need spiritseers' help not to walk into walls, but they're the same people as they were in life more or less.
I don't think they'd get upset with us talking to the other, but they probably would if we obviously started favouring one or the other. I'm probably going to look like I favour Yriel, considering I worked with him when he was a pirate, but I think we do still have an in with Iyanna."
"Different from ours, then - ours tend to experience. Basically an alignment shift? There's some ghosts that don't, but they usually turn anywhere from feral to evil."
"What approach do you think will work best for Iyanna?"
"Yeah, ours are neither feral or evil. Some people consider the process of making them evil, but they don't consider wraiths themselves to be evil.
With Iyanna, 'We have a way to ressurrect people, but we need help to get this person between realities for it to work' and reassurances that there's no catch should work with her."
"Makes sense. My healing abilities might be helpful with convincing her, too. They're in the same category, for me."
"That could be helpful. 'I want help to get to another reality' can sound like 'I want help getting into the Warp and doing nefarious things, and I may not be aware that's what I am doing,' and having proof that we really have someone from a different reality would help our case."
"My ability to purify food and drink isn't really flashy, but it's noticeable. Any of the ones that have an aura or make me glow. Healing. I can also summon and bond an ethereal steed, but that feels rude to do to a spirit if I'm not planning on keeping them around. Curing the blind, or diseases. Locating objects. Conjuring food and water."
"Glowing isn't super unusual, but healing or curing people, or summoning food would be. So would purifying it, but I'm not sure they'd have any dirty food on hand."
"Huh. Most places back home had something in need of purifying if they didn't have a divine caster in residence."
"Craftworlds have enough technology that the food tends to not get impure in the first place. Same with the water, too."
"Huh. That'll be of interest for importing, waterborne disease is enough of a problem that it's my go to example for something the gods should be addressing."
"Ooh, yeah we should totally try importing that. Especially if it's that big of a problem."
"We have a lot of problems like that. Where magic's just not widespread enough. I should probably sit down with some kind of technology list at some point, see if there's anything else similar."
"I'm not a techie person, but I can probably help out.
Let's see-- we're pretty good at manufacturing things in general. We've got reasonable health tech, but it's not as generalised as healing magic, and is pretty focused on Eldar. Might have better transport tech too, but I'm not sure the Webway based stuff is exportable....We've got really good weapons, but I'm not sure how helpful that would be."
"On-planet transportation would be useful. Agriculture? Printing or other ways of disseminating information? My main concern is with areas where there's no magic or not enough, which is a good number, and there's - essentially no technology at all. I don't know if our technology timelines look anything alike, but guns are a recent invention."
"There's plenty of on planet transport, and it doesn't rely on the Webway, so it should be exportable. We've got agriculture, especially for growing things in bulk, or in relatively inhospitable conditions. I'm pretty sure we could acquire printing presses for export, but a lot more of our information tech is based on squishing as much data on as small as space as possible. We've also got some communication tech, long range may not work, but our on planet stuff should.
We've had guns... for awhile. Long enough to have many variations on guns. I wouldn't be comfortable exporting all of them, but some I wouldn't be worried about."
"I wouldn't give people easily-usable weapons without a lot of thought put into it. Agriculture probably helps the most of those - malnutrition, potable water shortages, and disease were the three biggest problems facing the communities I worked with."
"Agriculture has the advantage of being relatively easy to convince people to trade. The other ones would be trickier, just because they might make it easier for your people to invade, or suchlike."