I'm sure talking with you will be a simple matter of making friends and not be suspicious at all
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This afternoon Jilia and her main entourage are in Rego Aerum toward the southern end of the royal island, talking mostly to local minor nobility and the servants and trademen who serve them. Right now she's paused, sitting on a bench on the north edge of the Karhal Island park, near the main bridge to Ghiam Island and the rest of the rest of the district.

She's not idle; her feet are resting, but she's still taking messages and dictating replies. But she's not enormously busy, and clearly interruptible.

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The woman approaching is wearing a long robe, in a fashionable wizard style of five years ago. She's very much not ethnically Chelish, but speaks a Chelish Taldane, though with a slightly slurred undertone, and she sidles up to someone in the periphery of the Dutchess's entourage

"Is the Archduchess available? I am an elected delegate, and- her subject?"


The first man to hear her beckons over one with slightly nicer armor, who nods and approaches.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure I saw her in the hall, Vicenç. Her Grace will be free in a moment, ma'am; may I ask which county you were elected from?"


"I have the privilege of being the duly elected candidate for Acisazi and the Dismal Nitch, sir."


"Oh, the aquatic villages, right? I'll get her attention for you."


Jilia finishes dictating a reply to something and looks over. "Ah, Delegate... I'm sorry, I don't recall."


"Imilce Ithobaal" she says, diffidently. The hair under her hood a rather inhuman deep red. "From the Nitch."


"Ah, yes, I've been meaning to visit. An archduchy is, unfortunately, very large. Have you been well?"


"Thank you- when the riot happened, I...took shelter." She smiles uncertainly. "Beneath the sea. The county- I-" 

She gestures, vaguely. "It is not a place with much to see- on land, at any rate."


"Good. I've heard it's impressive beneath the sea," she says with a smile; "I've already been in contact with those up the coast near Kintargo and they've told me the deeps have been peaceful for the moment, or I'd have visited sooner; we ought to make a better alliance before any of us needs it."


"Those of us who live in the Coastal Lagoons of the Nitch are traditionally a part of Cheliax- and we do consider ourselves your subjects. We were certainly subject to the previous regime- as you might note from my surname."


"And the Strix - sorry, Itarii - near Pezzack weren't, but they're here now. I don't mean to exclude you, but I also don't intend to press the issue on anyone off-shore I couldn't enforce it on, and where Acisazi and the other half-blooded communities pay their taxes is a reasonable part of whatever agreement we make. As I see it, the years after a war and bloody turnover are a terrible time for making demands, and the years after expelling Asmodeans are an excellent time for making friends."


"In Old Cheliax, the lagoons were legally not considered off-shore, as they are tidal and brackish. In the older treaties, the border line went along the line where the pure seawater began." When she talks of the sea, Imilce becomes noticeable less diffident.

"It is perhaps something to be raised in the Convention itself? And, of course, it is always a wonderful time for making friends." She smiles, shyly. 


"We do have a Committee for Nonhumans, and if we ever get a slow day I'd be happy to sit in and discuss it with you there. I assume it can't maintain such a hectic pace beyond the next few days of sessions or we'd all collapse, if my own experience is any indication. ...Have you left home often, Miss Ithobaal?"


"Not much- I guess it's known that I have the most circles in the county, now that the priests are gone- and my best friend in Acisazi did most of the campaigning there?" She doesn't seem to notice any subtext to the question. 


"I hope the city isn't too overwhelming, then. I'd be happy to show you around, but the local mayor was nearly killed in the riots, and someone needs to calm people down, reassure them that they won't be killed by a mob or executed for not having stopped the mobs before or a thousand other things, so I've made myself very busy - useful, but busy."


"Of course- is there then anything that I can assist my liege lord with?"


"I'm fortunate enough to have a fine experienced mayoral staff large enough to split them off from Kintargo to Westcrown without stopping my deputy mayor from keeping it running, so until the convention resumes I'm in no need. Smoothing feathers and seeing people's problems addressed in ways they find reassuring are very city things. ...What circle are you, though? Wizard?"


"Wizard, Third circle. And what of once it resumes? I am a delegate."


"We'll be very busy, but I think what with depends on Select Wain's trial. Well, censorship, and I'd be obliged if you follow my lead on that vote, but I expect the mood of the room to be... erratic. I do appreciate the offer."


"It would be my privilege! Thank you for the privilege of your time, Lady Bainilus."


"Of course. If there's anything you'd like to ask me for, please do send me a message - magical or non-, but if it's not urgent my cousin Lady Sofia is my personal secretary and a better target for a message."

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