"Oh, you could make some kind of magic teleporty thing or boat-improving songs or something?"
"That would be really great. Flattening out the economy isn't as dramatic on an individual person level as inventing baby-rescuing storks but it still really matters how cheap stuff is, and the easier it can get places the cheaper it can get."
"Most places you can, or at least they don't try very effectively to stop you; some places won't let people in unless they meet certain conditions or don't plan to stay long, some places won't let you out unless you meet certain conditions..."
"Often it's 'not currently detained for a crime, below the age of majority, enslaved, etcetera' but I think some places are more complicated."
"I mean I suppose you could storm in and kill a bunch of people but this option has drawbacks even when you have a really good reason."
"Yes, I know it is. ...I don't think anybody had told me he was rehabilitated and back."
"I have not previously encountered this model of justice system," shrugs Kib. "I never met the guy, I don't know why he was Enemying it up before or why he stopped, perhaps he is in fact fine now."
"That's about where I'm at, dubious about Valar but pro-mercy as a general policy."