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Yes, but probably not startle me into yelling? Or cover my mouth or something - I assure you if I have a pox dream you're not going to manage to be more unpleasant than that in the course of getting me awake.


Noted. Okay. Then yes, stay, I have good reflexes and will probably be sleeping lightly.

Then I will spend the night.


That was - far less complicated than he would have expected, on every level. He fondly watches Kib fall asleep.


Turns out Kib mumbles random words in his sleep all the time, not just when he is having a bad dream.


He catalogues them to ask about later. Maybe something from the resurrection dreams. Maybe sleep-talking is another criteria to find reborn Kibs by, should they need them.

Making oatmeal. Eating the oatmeal, reading the newspaper.

Putting together a puppet that will be able to hold a book and turn pages while she's in the bath because baths are boring.

She's drowning in fever and every twitch aggravates the gauze-packed pits clustered everywhere she can bend, every breath stretches the ones on her spine and if she screams the one at the hinge of her jaw boring a hole through her cheek will yawn open - someone's whispering, she can't listen, someone's putting a cloth on her forehead, begging her to hold still to relax to try to be distracted while he changes the bandages, she can't listen it's too much too much -

And he wakes up with one hand over his mouth and the other on the back of his head pressing him into the pillows. Kib.


Kib trembles. I'm awake.


Maitimo releases him. You okay?


Kib twists to wordlessly demand snuggles. It was bad. Once I wake up it doesn't hurt though.


Snuggles he can provide. Can you not wake yourself up from the dreams?


I don't know they're dreams while I'm having them. I'm just her, doing what she'd do because she's me and I wouldn't think to do anything else while I'm being her -


Snuggles. I'm sorry. Uh, if you ever find yourself in horrible pain in this life you could attempt waking up, as a favor to future Kib?


I'll try to at least think of it, but I don't know that it'll really help, if I'm going to dream through her whole life and it has a defined amount of pox in it, if future Kib pulls off being immortal and has to sleep through whatever happens to me in whatever size chunks...


So do you think not even waking you up helps, you're going to have to live out the rest of that memory sometime?


Yeah, I think so. ...I have no idea what it'll be like when I get to the part where she dies.


I should get to work, I've been sleeping in a lot lately.

Hug. Okay. How do I sneak to best effect from here?


Did Findekáno not show you? My room's the safest place, there's access to the gardens and a couple different ways you can get around from there...


Didn't know if it varied by time of day, Kib explains. Clothes time? Clothes time.


Hair brushing and braiding time. A goodbye kiss.


And out the window.

That afternoon Maitimo finds him with his scriber. "Kib? When you have a minute I have a list of things I think might be valuable for your people and trivial for us, for the storefront. If it's right, I want to have it as part of the petition to the Valar."


"Sure, what've you got?"

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